Rwanda treaty may satisfy our Supreme Court but it still won’t stop Labour from scrapping policy


RISHI Sunak says his new treaty with Rwanda means “it’s us who decides who comes to this country, not criminal gangs”.

Sadly, it’s not that simple.

GettyHome Secretary James Cleverly with Rwanda’s foreign affairs minister Vincent Biruta[/caption]

Rwanda may have done enough to satisfy our Supreme Court.

It still won’t satisfy Parliament.

Because, on “principle”, the Labour-led opposition, every left-wing ­campaign outfit and every activist lawyer will do anything to stop illegal migrants ever being flown to Africa.

Depressingly, Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper vows to axe the deterrent if she gets into power, even if it works.

For Labour, ideology trumps reality.

So we wish the PM well trying to ram this through.

It still feels like a triumph of hope over experience.

Cam’s mission

GettyDavid Cameron must shake world leaders from their complacency[/caption]

IF David Cameron can persuade the US and EU to keep faith with Ukraine, as Britain has, he’ll prove a great Foreign Secretary.

The stakes could not be higher.

Politicians on both continents are baulking at the cost of keeping aid and arms flowing. It is catastrophically short-sighted.

Poland warns that Russia could attack Nato states within three years if it succeeds in Ukraine.

The cost then, in lives and money, will be obscene.

Putin is retooling for war.

He dreams of a new empire engulfing Europe.

Leaders there and in the US must be alive to it.

Cameron must shake them from their complacency.

Sick strike

AlamyJunior doctors have extended their Christmas break by striking[/caption]

JUNIOR doctors have bagged an extended Christmas holiday . . . by striking.

Even a public these young medics count on to support them can surely see through the cynicism of the hard-left BMA union and its latest walkouts for a fantasy rise of up to 35 per cent.

The NHS these militants claim to cherish will be all but crippled.

Their sole concerns are clear: Money, time off and damaging the Tories.

As for sick patients, they’ll have to suffer longer while the doctors go shopping.

Cut back Beeb

How dare the BBC use the public’s own money to jeopardise news providers that same public likes and trusts?

WHY does the BBC appear hell-bent on bankrupting local papers and news sites?

Our views on its licence fee — an unjustifiable £4billion-a-year tax — are well known.

But it is repugnant for the corporation to use that unearned cash to dramatically increase its regional online news, muscling out commercial outfits already fighting for their lives.

Those titles have a far more historic and deep connection with communities.

How dare the BBC use the public’s own money to jeopardise news providers that same public likes and trusts?

Its reckless expansion must be stopped.

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