A FRAUDSTER left her respected estate agency on the brink of bankruptcy by swindling £128,868 to fund an affair with her personal trainer.
Lettings boss Joanne Barker, 46, plundered rental payments earmarked for landlords.
CavendishCheating Lettings boss Joanne Barker, left, with business partner Jo-Anne Tweedley, whose business was left in tatters[/caption]
Her crimes went on for four years under the noses of husband Paul, 50, and their friends and business partners Ian and Jo-Anne Tweedley.
Barker diverted some of the cash into the account of lover Andrew Taylor and let him live rent-free in a property.
It left Mr Tweedley, 57, and his wife, 52, battling to save their estate agency, Barton Kendall, in Rochdale, Manchester.
In a statement he said: ”Jo and I worked tirelessly to build up and maintain the business in really difficult times and we became one of the leading lettings agencies in the area with a long standing reputation.
”I thought life was rosy, I thought we were financially secure albeit not rich, the mortgage was nearly paid off and I was gearing up to retire at 60.
“When we took on Joanne, she became a trusted family friend and I felt assured she would run the business in my absence.
”But all that came crashing down when I found out she was siphoning off clients’ money from the business and stealing all the tenants deposits.
“That day was the worst of my life. I was in the office at 3am as I couldn’t sleep and my heart sunk as I realised my business was in tatters.
”What followed was two years of stress, panic and exhaustion to the point of nearly having a breakdown.
“I was determined to save the business but with such limited funds I was very concerned we might have to fold the company as I didn’t see a way out.
Barker admitted fraud and got a suspended jail term, an unpaid work order and faces a Proceeds of Crime hearing.
Joanne diverted some of the cash to her lover Andrew Taylor Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]