Labour costs
BRITAIN’S broken, says Keir Starmer, and millions “cannot afford” to wait any longer for a General Election.
His message is clear: Everything will magically come right if voters put him in No10.
All the problems that have swamped the Tories would engulf Sir Keir Starmer, too – unlike with Tony Blair in 1997, there’s no money there for him to spendGetty
Everyone richer, bills lower, everything working again thanks to Labour.
You’d expect any Opposition leader to trot out this guff.
But all the problems which have swamped the Tories would engulf him too.
And, unlike when Tony Blair came to power, there’s no money to spend either.
A Labour Government which doesn’t splash the cash? What’s the point of that?
What’s worse is that Starmer isn’t really promising anything different from the Tories, except not being them.
Except there IS one policy.
To borrow £28billion a year for an eco fantasy dreamed up, and run, by Ed Miliband — a proven dud who couldn’t care less about your bills.
This wild punt has just one inevitability: The cost of borrowing billions more and repaying it.
Treasury modelling shows it alone might force interest rates up, putting £2,000 a year on a mortgage.
The next election looks like Starmer’s to lose. But Rishi Sunak can fight back.
He can create proper dividing lines by cutting taxes, lowering living costs and showing voters why — when an economy is on the mend — change for change’s sake may well be a mistake.
Especially if it’s to a Labour Party which lives to spend more and tax more.
Bin the cranks
BRITAIN is a moderate nation which resoundingly rejected the hard-Left in the form of Jeremy Corbyn.
But his pro-Hamas extremism and crank ideas live on in our worst unions.
Health Secretary Victoria Atkins is no doubt right that some doctors are “deeply uncomfortable” with their colleagues being led out on strike by the BMA’s young Marxists.
Most trained to heal the sick, not wage political war and feather their own nest.
Some rail workers and teachers dislike their union leaders too.
But militant nutters generally get elected because sensible members don’t bother voting.
The solution, then, is obvious. When their term ends, boot them out.
Farce awakens
LIKE socialism, the “European Super League” is a catastrophic idea which refuses to die.
We, and millions of football fans, opposed the breakaway by greedy club-owning billionaires which threatened to wreck the Premier League in 2021.
That position hasn’t changed even if the EU in its “wisdom” has given the nod to a firm behind a reworked ESL.
The difference now is that no Prem club in its right mind will join.
It would be a fatal own-goal.
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