Lags order in pizzas once a month in return for good behaviour at ‘cushy’ prison


A “CUSHY” prison is letting inmates order in pizzas — if they have not beaten anyone up.

Lags at the sex offenders’ jail will be able to select the dishes once a month to reward good behaviour.

A ‘cushy’ prison is letting inmates order in pizzas — if they have not beaten anyone up

Staff plan to introduce the scheme in the New Year, with Chicago Town frozen treats of inmates’ choice delivered to individual wings at HMP Rye Hill, near Rugby, Warks.

It is run by G4S and houses 664 male offenders including rapists and paedophiles — who are also paid to read books.

They get £10 if they read for 45 minutes a week for three months, or £1 for 45 minutes in a single week.

Prisoners have also been given prizes at festive games nights. One source said: “It’s like Butlin’s holiday camp in there. It is beyond a joke.

“The regime has always been quite cushy but has got more so recently.

“The pizzas will arrive frozen and be cooked in the jail kitchen, but it is the equivalent of them getting a takeaway.

“The reading scheme is ridiculous too. Nobody can believe they can earn money simply for reading a book.

“The prisoners get treated a lot better than the staff and it is causing a lot of resentment.

“Guards got a £15 token, but inmates will have more spent on them over the festive season.

“They seem to have forgotten that they are dealing with rapists and paedophiles.”

G4S said: “HMP Rye Hill is no different to any other prison in allowing prisoners who have earned privileges to buy a few approved items with wages.”

It said the reading scheme is funded by the prison workshop.

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