My ‘kind’ boss offered lured me to his home where he raped me… then I found out a sinister secret


WHEN she landed a job at a local Italian restaurant aged 16, Honey Jaggers took an instant liking to her new boss.

Jetmir Topuzi, 25, had made her feel at ease during her interview and she was excited to start waiting tables five times a week.

True Life StoriesHoney Jaggers, who has since become a mum, was raped by her boss five months into her new job at an Italian restaurant[/caption]

True Life StoriesHolly had trusted Jetmir Topuzi and thought he was a nice guy[/caption]

But just five months into the job, she was distraught when sinister Topuzi showed his true colours.

After taking up the ‘kind’ offer of a lift home, she realised she’d been lured into a trap when she turned up at Topuzi’s house and he raped her.

Afterwards, while she was in a state of shock, he coldly told her he’d see her at work the next day.

Hours later, West Mercia police officers swarmed the restaurant and Topuzi was arrested in front of customers and staff.

He was sentenced to 10 years for the vile attack, and Honey has now bravely waived her right to anonymity to help other survivors.

Now 18, Honey, from Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, told The Sun: “I trusted Jetmir. My workplace was meant to be safe and he was supposed to protect me. 

“He harmed me in the worst way imaginable. Now he has been jailed I’m relieved no women, especially waitresses, are in danger now.”

In February 2021, Honey finished school and began looking for full-time work.

True Life StoriesHoney was 16 and had just finished school when she got the job waiting tables[/caption]

She got an interview to work as a waitress at an Italian restaurant in her hometown at the time, Evesham.

On meeting restaurant boss Topuzi, Honey recalled: “I was nervous at first but Jetmir immediately made me feel at ease. 

“He was a really nice guy. Very friendly and inviting. He was also professional and I had a good feeling about the job. 

“He offered me the role that week and I couldn’t wait.”

The following month Honey started her job and told how during shifts, Topuzi would float about the restaurant and was seldom in his office.

She said: “Jetmir was a hands-on boss. He was constantly around me, lending a hand.

Jetmir was a hands-on boss. He was constantly around me, lending a hand

Honey Jagger

“As months passed he’d always compliment me and I thought he was just being nice.

“All the other waitresses were young and pretty too, and he treated them all the same.

“He constantly made little comments to us and I thought he was just an awesome boss.”

One afternoon in July 2021, Honey was waiting for a bus to go home when Topuzi, who regularly texted her about shift changes or annual leave, texted her out of the blue asking what she was doing.

“I told him I was waiting for the bus home, and he replied asking if I wanted a lift,” Honey explained.

True Life StoriesHoney had no reason to suspect Topuzi’s intentions when he offered her a lift[/caption]

“He lived right by the bus stop that I was at. I trusted him, so I thought, why not? I thought it was kind of him, and told him thank you.

“But I also remembered how he’d had his car seized the week before. I asked him if he’d got his car back and he said he had.”

With that, Honey walked a few minutes around the corner to Topuzi’s house in Evesham.

But when she arrived, she noticed there was no car parked on the driveway.

Honey said Topuzi told her his car keys were in his bedroom, and offered her to use the toilet while he looked.

He lived right by the bus stop that I was at. I trusted him, so I thought, why not? I thought it was kind of him, and told him thank you

Honey Jagger

“I quickly used his bathroom, but when I came out, he shoved me into his bedroom and pinned me against the wall,” she recalled.

“I was in complete shock and didn’t know what to do.

“He asked me if it was what I wanted, and I yelled ‘no’ repeatedly. He said it’d be quick and shoved me onto the bed.

“He began to rape me and I froze up completely. I didn’t fight back as I was afraid he’d hurt me more.

“Afterwards he handed me a £10 note and told me to get a taxi home. He said he’d see me at work the next day and acted like nothing had happened.

True Life StoriesAfter the rape Topuzi behaved ‘like nothing had happened’[/caption]

“I rushed out the house, ran down the street and broke down into tears.”

Hysterical, Honey called her friend and told her what had happened.

“She kept telling me to call my mum and go to the police but I didn’t want to. I was too scared,” she admitted.

“I didn’t want to lose my job. I loved working there. I also knew it’d break my mum’s heart.

“But my friend convinced me, so I walked to the doctor’s surgery where my mum worked around the corner.

“She was absolutely distraught and called the police for me.”

As police officers rushed there to interview Honey, Topuzi went off to work as usual.

I was scared to call the police. I didn’t want to lose my job. I loved working there. I also knew it’d break my mum’s heart

Honey Jagger

They took Honey’s statement and hours later, in the middle of the restaurant, Topuzi was arrested.

Honey said: “As I was getting swaps, tests and doing interviews, my colleagues from work were texting me that our boss had been arrested.

“I had to pretend I didn’t know anything and said how terrible it was.

“But soon everyone found out as the police told them whilst interviewing them about Jetmir.

“Although the girls were horrified about what happened, they all said they weren’t surprised as they knew what Jetmir was like with the staff and how over-friendly he’d been.”

As Honey waited for the trial, she developed post-traumatic stress disorder from the attack and struggled mentally.

The next year, in January 2022, she met her partner Jack Wood, 19, a scaffolder, and they set up home together.

True Life StoriesHoney with her new partner Jack Wood and their son[/caption]

Honey said: “Shortly after I fell pregnant with our child and I couldn’t wait to be a mum.

“But the trial date was scheduled to be my due date, which was extremely distressing.

“Eventually it was pushed back and my baby boy came beforehand.”

In July 2023, Honey gave birth to her son, Teddy Wood, now four months old.

Three months later, in September 2023, Topuzi, 25, of Littleworth Street, Evesham, was found guilty of one count of rape against Honey and was sentenced to 10 years at Worcester Crown Court.

But there was another shocking twist.

Honey said: “Turns out Jetmir had a wife and a life back in Albania. He’ll be deported after his sentence.”

Turns out Jetmir had a wife and a life back in Albania. He’ll be deported after his sentence

Honey Jagger

She added: “I was pleased with the sentence. Looking back now I can see how Jetmir bonded with me, and preyed on my young age and vulnerability.

“I still feel devastated – I viewed him as this nice man and I valued him as a boss. He broke all of that and it’s a shame.

“Now I’m happy with my partner and I am trying to be a good mum. But I still get nightmares and sometimes I hit my partner in my sleep, replaying the attack in my head.

“I’ve since gone back into hospitality. My new bosses know about the rape and they’re really supportive.

“If this has happened to you, please don’t feel guilty or ashamed. Get help, and reach out to someone like I did so your attacker can be put away, too.”

How you can get help

Women’s Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

Always keep your phone nearby.
Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
If you are in danger, call 999.
Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.

If you are a ­victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – [email protected].

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

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