Brit ex-squaddie shot in neck after leaving girlfriend in UK to fight in Ukraine…but won’t come home until Vlad’s beaten


A BRITISH lad who left his girlfriend to fight for Ukraine won’t come home until “idiot” Putin is beaten despite being brutally shot in the neck. 

Alex Moss was shot by a machine gun in Ukrainian trenches, leaving a nasty hole in his neck, breaking bones and causing major chest trauma.

Kennedy NewsAlex Moss was shot in the neck while fighting against Russian soldiers[/caption]

Kennedy NewsHe left his girlfriend in the UK as he wanted to help Ukraine against Russia and Putin who he strongly dislikes[/caption]

The 28-year-old thought he’d died after being hit, saying his life flashed before his eyes in the trench assault last month. 

Alex told The Sun: “I was the commander for the assault.

“I was the first man into the trench. 

“We approached the trench, we chucked our grenades in and I was trying to keep the corner and ended up getting shot by a machine gun in the neck. 

“The guy that actually shot me was just outside the trench – nobody could see him. 

Adam recalls his exact emotions at the point of the ambush.

He detailed: “I thought I’d been blown up at first, everything went in slow motion.

“I knew instantly something bad had happened to me. 

“I thought I was dead.

“I actually asked my friend, ‘am I dead?’” 

The bullet caused a lot of damage as it went between Alex’s arteries in his neck, breaking four bones, and causing a haemothorax which caused his neck to fill up with blood and air. 

He said: “I looked down at the floor and sort of toppled onto my back. 

“I couldn’t move or anything but I was still trying to shout orders at people and keep hold of the situation. 

“At first I wasn’t in pain, I think I was in shock, then for about four or five minutes I was in excruciating pain. 

“I wasn’t instantly attended to because you have to deal with the enemy before you deal with casualties, and I was happy to accept that. 

The medical staff with him in the trench gave him adrenaline and antibiotics as they dealt with the nasty wound.

Before he went to a hospital in Kyiv for surgery, where he was stitched up. 

Despite nearly losing his life, Alex doesn’t consider himself a hero and plans on returning to the front line as soon as possible to fight against Vladmir Putin’s troops. 

Alex said he would love to kill Putin himself and blames the tyrant for the devastating number of dead soldiers in the war.

At the start of the war Alex was paranoid about killing others but since fighting he’s become “numb” to the feeling and has no guilt anymore.

Alex said: “When I first saw dead Russians, I would look at them and wonder what their mothers felt, it was a weird feeling. 

“But I never felt guilty for killing any of them – they deserved it at the end of the day. 

“If they didn’t want to die, they should’ve stayed at home. 

He also made his feelings very clear towards Russian president Putin.

He said: “Putin is an idiot.

“I’d love to be able to kill him myself as I’m sure a lot of people in Ukraine would. 

“He’s just another rich, fat politician who’s sending hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths for absolutely no reason. 

Alex waved goodbye to his partner in the UK and job at a slaughterhouse to go and fight against the Russians after they invaded Ukraine last year.

The brave soldier has strong opinions on the Russians he’s fighting against that are supporting the horrifying regime.

Alex said: “I don’t think the Russians fighting for him quite understand what they’re going to Ukraine to fight for.

“They’re extremely brainwashed people.” 

After learning that Russia had invaded Ukraine in February last year, Alex felt that he had to leave the UK and sign up to the Ukraine Armed Forces as a volunteer. 

He served in the British Army for five years before leaving in 2016 and felt the skills he learned would help in the war.

Alex hated the fact they were targeting civilians especially women and children. 

He and his friends had spoken about helping out way before he left for Poland in June 2022.

He said: “One of my friends went out there for a couple of months and once I’d built up a bit of money, I got the go ahead from my job saying that I could go out for a while and keep my place within the company. 

“There were feelings of trepidation.

“My friend was already there and I was speaking to him every day which kind of put my mind at ease. 

“He was telling me exactly what to expect when I got there so I kind of knew what I was walking into to an extent.” 

After three months of fighting in Ukraine Alex came home to his job and family but struggled with “unfinished business” in Eastern Europe. 

Alex said: “I still had responsibilities at home at the time which I had to go back to. 

“When I left Ukraine I felt unfilled because the war was still raging on and I knew I had to get back at some point. 

Eight months later, Alex left his job permanently and returned to war-torn Ukraine as a volunteer soldier.

He took on a more dangerous role and now puts his life at risk everyday where he was shot. 

Now in rehabilitation, Alex feels lucky to be alive but said the near-death experience has made him even more eager to beat the Russians.

Alex said: “If anything it’s stoked the fire a bit, it’s made me more hungry for it. 

“I want to get back on the front line and pick up where I left off.

“There’s a lot of unfinished business. 

“Ukraine is my home now, I’m not going to stop until either I die or all the Russians are gone.”

Kennedy NewsMoss left behind his girlfriend and his job to volunteer as a soldier[/caption]

Alex made it clear he has “unfinished business” with Putin and the Russian soldiersKennedy News

Kennedy NewsHe was left with four broken bones and a haemothorax which caused his neck to fill up with blood and air[/caption]

Alex was a soldier in the British army for five years before leaving but felt his skills would be useful in the warKennedy News Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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