PUT your vision to the test with this fashion-themed brainteaser.
If you’re a puzzle fiend and a shoe-lover then this is the perfect challenge for you.
Freshers LiveCan you spot the odd one out in just 12 seconds?[/caption]
You have just 12 seconds to spot the odd one out.
While it may seem simple, the first challenge is figuring out what the other shoes have in common.
So, set your timer and get searching!
To give yourself the best chance of beating the clock, make sure you clear away any distractions.
Remember, slow and steady wins the race, so take your time and be methodical.
If you want a clue to get started, there are 15 shoes in the image.
This may help you realise what the odd-one out could be.
It may help if you tackle the puzzle shoe-by-shoe.
To make it more difficult, the creators of the brainteaser have used a range of bright colours and patterns to distract the eye.
But if you stay focused, you will find the solution.
If you are struggling, keep an eye out for the shoe with no pair.
When you are ready, scroll down to reveal the solution below.
Did you find the odd one out in under 12 seconds?
If so, you could have a high IQ and good vision.
How can optical illusions and brainteasers help me?
Engaging in activities like solving optical illusions and brainteasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate various brain regions.
Some benefits include:
Cognitive stimulation: Engaging in these activities challenges the brain, promoting mental agility and flexibility.
Problem-solving skills: Regular practice enhances analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Memory improvement: These challenges often require memory recall and can contribute to better memory function.
Creativity: They encourage thinking outside the box, fostering creativity and innovative thought processes.
Focus and attention: Working on optical illusions and brainteasers requires concentration, contributing to improved focus.
Stress relief: The enjoyable nature of these puzzles can act as a form of relaxation and stress relief.
There are numerous health benefits to regularly practising puzzles such as these.
So, now that your brain is fired up, why not have a go at a few more?
As always, the solutions will be shared below.
If you find yourself struggling at any point, take it slow and if it helps, split the puzzle into more manageable chunks.
This will make it easier to spot the smaller details that could lead you to the answer.
When you’ve tried these, there are plenty more on our puzzle page.
Freshers LiveHow long did it take you to spot the odd one out?[/caption]
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