A MIND-BOGGLING optical illusion has gone viral with many failing to spot the hidden number.
The creators of the puzzle say that those who can dig out the lone 96 in a grid of 69s have a mathematician’s brain.
India TimesCan you spot the 96 in this table of 69s?[/caption]
The challenge is made of 21 rows and 11 columns and appears to be only made up of the repeated number 69.
However, there is a sneaky 96 hidden in plain sight.
Sounds easy, right?
Wrong: players are only allowed five seconds to inspect the number map – making the game far more complex.
So, set yourself a timer and see if you can spot the odd one out.
To give yourself the best chance of beating the clock, make sure you clear away any distractions.
If you need a hint, the odd number is hidden between 6 to 11 rows.
Did you know that people with higher IQs are believed to spot the numbers faster within the given time limit?
So, did you find the 96 in five seconds or under?
If so, you have the brain of a mathematician and a high IQ!
If you didn’t find it, but are desperate to know the answer, scroll to the bottom of this article.
There are numerous health benefits of regularly practicing puzzles such as these.
So, now that your brain is fired up, why not have a go at a few more?
Try your luck at spotting the odd shoe out in our fashion-inspired game, or if you fancy trying another number-based challenge this one will test your vision.
The hidden number is 12 rows down and 10 across.
India TimesDid you get it right? The hidden 96 has been circled[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]