Heartbreaking moment grieving pet dog leaps into its dead owner’s open coffin for a final cuddle goodbye at funeral


THIS is the heartbreaking moment a pet dog jumped into its dead owner’s coffin for a final goodbye at the funeral.

The grieving dog settled down inside the coffin for one last cuddle with its beloved owner.

Jam PressThe dog sits at the base of the open casket[/caption]

Jam PressThe dog then hops up onto the coffin[/caption]

Jam PressThe dog settles in next to its owner for a final cuddle[/caption]

The upsetting footage shows the anxious pooch sitting at the base of the open casket.

After deliberating for a moment, the dog hops into the coffin and settles down next to his dead owner.

The funeral took place in Mexico.

One Mexican local, Maria, said: “This is heartbreaking, I hope someone takes good care of him now his owner has passed.”

Others said the dog was clearly grieving the loss of his owner, and was in a lot of pain.

Drew said: “His tail is tucked between his legs, he’s feeling pain.”

Judy, added: “The pooch was asking to be picked up to say his last goodbye.”

Another local shared their own experience with grieving pets.

They said: “I had to bring my gran’s dog to her funeral and she got upset and scratched me, but what hurt most was hearing her howl in pain when she saw her owner.

“Dogs understand everything.”

It is common for dogs to show signs of grief when they mourn a loved one.

Belka kept returning to the spot where her owner fell through the ice for four days after he died.

Belka’s owner died after taking a shortcut across the frozen Ufa River in Russia.

The ice wasn’t thick enough to hold him and he was tragically swept downstream in the fast-flowing river.

It took four days to find his body as rescuers launched a frantic search.

And loyal Belka – unaware of the tragedy – waited the entire time for her owner to return.

Another devoted canine, Moo Dang, has been waiting for her owner to return to the local corner shop in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, for months.

Her owner passed away in November 2024 after falling seriously ill.

Street food vendor Somneuk Wisetnok, said: “For four years, I always saw Moo Dang with the homeless man until late last year when the owner passed away.

“But Moo Dang refused to leave and slept in front of the convenience store all the time as if she was waiting for her owner.”

Moo Dang’s story has won the hearts of locals in the area, who refer to her as the “Hachiko of Korat”.

Hachiko was an Akita dog in Japan known for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the University of Tokyo.

Jam PressLocals said the dog was clearly in pain[/caption]

Jam PressThe funeral took place in Mexico[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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