BBC News’ staggering irresponsibility over Gaza hospital carnage is dangerous


Hamas News

THE staggering irresponsibility of BBC News over the Gaza hospital carnage doesn’t just stain our national broadcaster. It is dangerous.

The BBC is supposed to be a trusted source worldwide.

ReutersThe staggering irresponsibility of BBC News over the Gaza hospital carnage doesn’t just stain our national broadcaster – it is dangerous[/caption]

But its anti-Israel bias now risks helping stoke violent anti-Semitism and even anti-Western instability in the Middle East.

After a week refusing to call Hamas “terrorists” despite the massacre of 1,400 Jews, some of its journalists swallowed uncritically the accusation that an Israeli airstrike killed 500 people.

There was no evidence of Israel’s guilt, so that initial credulity was bad enough.

But the BBC continued to parrot that line, quoting Hamas as “Palestinian officials”, even as a flood of apparent proof emerged, backed by US intelligence, that Hamas allies were responsible.

Radio 4’s Today demanded that Israel prove it was NOT involved.

No proof was required of Hamas’s claims.

“It is hard to see,” a BBC TV reporter announced, “what else this could be other than an Israeli airstrike or airstrikes.”

That’s a wild, reckless punt.

A debasement of journalism.

Sky, equally, rushed to judgment.

At least the public isn’t forced to fund that.

The world over, lefties imagine some equivalence between Israel — a liberal democracy with a military trained to minimise civilian casualties — and a racist terror outfit committed to the genocide of Jews and infamous for lies.

Naturally, the fathomlessly thick ­Jeremy Corbyn raced to spew out the propaganda of his terrorist “friends”.

Countless other fools rushed in.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly says they have fuelled “regional instability and upset community cohesion in the UK”.

True. Attacks on Jews are soaring.

The Gaza scenes are devastating.

Who remains unmoved by innocent people dead and maimed (except Hamas’s sick supporters when the victims are Jews)?

It is terrifying too to watch the Left so blinded by prejudice they can no longer tell truth from lies, nor right from wrong.

Crystal Keir

HARD-left Labour MPs and Muslim councillors are in revolt on Gaza. So we admire Keir Starmer’s staunch support for Israel.

He and Rishi Sunak were impressive yesterday.

Starmer was unwavering on Hamas’s evil, offering no crumb of ambiguity to his backbench cranks.

Take the next step, Keir. Axe the lot.

You’d gain more votes than you’d lose.

Cushy Britain

AFTER luxuriating in hotels, some illegal migrants now reject the Dorset barge — because they have better digs with mates.

Proving two things: Boat migrants pick cushy Britain for taxpayer-funded bed and board, unless it’s too spartan.

And that our system, which should be deporting all illegals, remains a joke.

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