Brits drink 53MILLION cups of tea each morning, survey finds

Brits consume a collective 53 million cups of tea each morning – before 9am, according to research. A poll of 2,000 adults found 12 per cent have a brew as soon as they wake up in bed – and 10 per cent have up to three or more cups to kick off their day. This all equals as much as 2,682 million gallons of the nation’s favourite drink – enough to fill four Olympic size swimming pools. Just under six in 10 (59 per cent) admit they can’t start the day properly until they’ve enjoyed their first mug, and 78 per cent agree a cuppa gives them a little lift in the morning.swns

BRITS consume a collective 53 million cups of tea each morning, a survey finds

A poll of 2,000 adults found 12 per cent have a brew as soon as they wake up in bed – and 10 per cent have three or more cups to kick off their day.

The research also revealed that Brits prefer a cuppa before 9 amswns

This all equals as much as 2,682 million gallons of the nation’s favourite drink – enough to fill four Olympic size swimming pools.

More than half (59 per cent) admit they can’t start the day properly until they’ve enjoyed their first mug, with 63 per cent rarely or never skipping the refreshing ritual from their morning routine.

And for good reason too, as 64 per cent credit tea with making them more productive and 78 per cent say it provides them a little lift and morning boost, setting them up for the day.

In fact, 37 per cent will happily ditch checking the news to squeeze in a morning tea, while 35 per cent will sacrifice making their bed to have the hot drink if they are pressed for time.

Staggeringly, one in 10 will even forgo brushing their teeth just so they can start their day right with a tea.

The research, which was commissioned by PG Tips, also found 32 per cent are refreshed after their morning brew, and 28 per cent feel alert.

A quarter (26 per cent) rely on it for comfort, and as the day unfolds, 41 per cent use tea as a reset button, helping them refocus before their next task or activity.

If tea drinkers don’t get their morning cuppa however, 27 per cent admit they feel flat, and 23 per cent are tired.

Eleanor Barker, from Lipton, said: “Tea is the hero of British mornings, and this research highlights why we at PG Tips are encouraging the nation to start their day the best possible way – with a deliciously refreshing cuppa.

“Whether it’s a moment to pause before the day begins or a quick cuppa to boost your productivity, tea is at the heart of a great start to the day.”

It also emerged that a builder’s tea is the overwhelming favourite in the morning (52 per cent), followed by black tea (16 per cent) and green tea (10 per cent).

But whatever tea they opt for, on average, Brits carve out nearly nine precious minutes each morning to savour the flavours, with 59 per cent making a point to sip slowly and truly enjoy the moment.

Nearly half (48 per cent) of those polled via OnePoll revealed if they could only have one cuppa a day, they’d have it before 9am, and 29 per cent would enjoy it before midday.

However, the average time tea lovers first stick the kettle on for their morning boost is at 7:30am.

Over half of Brits like to start their day with a builder’s brewswns Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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