SNOWY days can make us want to cosy up inside away from the harsh temperatures.
But while humans may prefer to stay at home at admire the snow from indoors, many dogs still want – and need – to be walked in the cold conditions.
Walking your dog in the snow can be perfectly safe if certain precautions are takenGetty Images
What can I do to protect my dog on a walk?
Walking your dog in snowy conditions is fine to do, but there are some precautions you may need to take when venturing outside with your pet pooch.
Snowy surfaces make it far easier for dogs to get lost or disorientated, so it’s important to keep an eye on your pet.
Wearing the correct footwear yourself is an important step to take, so make sure you are properly dressed to avoid taking a tumble with your pup.
Remember to take it slowly, and don’t forget to “walk like a penguin“.
As a general rule, if you see your dog struggling in the cold weather, head home as soon as possible.
What are the dangers of walking my dog in the snow?
Aside from the obvious dangers of slipping and falling, snow presents a number of other risks.
Snow can often be treated with chemicals, which can be dangerous for your dog’s paws.
Slush and ice are sometimes treated with antifreeze which is hazardous for dogs – so steer clear to keep your pet safe.
Salt grit also contains chemicals which can result in burns on pets‘ paws if they have prolonged contact with it.
Try to avoid walking on gritted surfaces with your pooch and rinse their feet when you get home.
Ice balls are also a danger – particularly for dogs with hairy feet.
They can form between your dog’s toes and pads of their paws and cause pain.
Checking their feet when you finish your walk can help this issue.
Snow can also cover up potential dangers like potholes and uneven grounds, so many owners prefer to keep their dogs on a lead while walking in snowy weather to keep their pooches close.
Do dogs need foot protection in snow?
Footwear can help you keep your dog’s paws protected from snow, ice, salt, and ice melt chemicals.
Always make sure any footwear is comfortable for your pet as many do not like wearing boots for the winter.
How can I keep my dog safe in the snow?
Here are some top tips from Dogs Trust to keep your dog safe in the snow.
Keep your dog on a lead if it is snowing heavily
Snow can be unusual and exciting for dogs.
Make sure your dog is wearing a collar and an ID tag and is microchipped
It is important to ensure your microchipping database is up to date with your address and contact details.
Make sure you wipe your dog’s legs, feet and stomach after a walk
The grit from the roads and dampness from rain or snow can irritate their skin.
Never leave your dog in the car Whether it’s a hot or cold day outside, leaving your dog in a car is very dangerous and should never be an option.
Don’t let your dog walk on frozen ponds
The ice may not be thick enough to take their weight. If your dog does fall through the ice never be tempted to go in after them. If possible, encourage them to swim back to you and call the emergency services.
Antifreeze is highly poisonous but tasty to dogs
Keep it well out of their reach and mop up any spills!
Regularly check your dog’s leads, collars and harnesses
Make sure they are all functioning safely and not at risk of wear and tear or damage during winter weather.
If it’s extra cold it can be very difficult to do up lead clips and attach them to collars and harnesses. Wet weather may also make metal clips rust.
Safety first Your own safety is important too. Make sure that you are dressed appropriately for the weather with a suitable coat and shoes. Make sure you’re as visible as your dog is.
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