DECADES after “demonic aliens” supposedly crash landed in a Brazilian city, the bizarre event remains a mystery with a string of unanswered questions.
In 1996, military vehicles stormed Varginha after dozens of panicked residents reported evidence of extraterrestrial life – an incident later dubbed the “Roswell of Brazil”.
1091 PicturesBased on witness descriptions the supposed alien would’ve looked like this according to news reports at the time[/caption]
1091 PicturesThree girls saw an ‘alien’ crouching by a wall – and described it as ‘definitely not a human being’[/caption]
1091 PicturesTerrified locals produced drawings of what they saw[/caption]
1091 PicturesBrazilian military and the government are still clear to this day that the UFO and alien sightings are false[/caption]
Zoo animals collapsed and died and a police officer who grabbed the “alien” mysteriously died without an explanation to this day.
Varginha – 180 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro in the state of Minas Gerais – became infamous for the city’s obsession with a grey, submarine-shaped object the size of a minibus crash landing in their town.
What really happened on January 20, 1996, has yet to be proved or unproved by either side of the debate.
Government officials bizarrely blamed the “alien” sightings on a dwarf couple and a dirty disabled man – but decades of cover-ups and lucky coincidences have fuelled the conspiracy.
Multiple witnesses reportedly saw a creature that was “100 per cent not a human”.
It was described by locals as having wobbly legs and being very unsteady on its feet as it looked badly sick and injured from the crash.
With two huge red balls for eyes and brown, oily skin the alien-like creature was certainly memorable.
Appearing hairless and scared stiff the little creature was apparently tracked down by petrified police.
Mystery death of cop
Officer Marco Eli Chereze, 23, was the first person to come into contact with the being – but after he tried to grab it barehanded he fell ill with a mysterious sickness.
According to reports, the man suffered a full-body infection and died just weeks later.
Others reports from the Varginha public say they saw a strange metal object slowly falling out of the sky before it smashed into the ground.
A powerful and almost overbearing smell of sulphur was then wafting around the neighbourhood.
Carlos de Souza saw the initial crash landing as the strange object fell from the sky.
He spoke to researcher Claudeir Covo back in 1996 and gave a chilling description of what he saw.
Carlos said: “It was floating and slowly losing altitude.
“It looked like a washing machine struggling, fighting to keep its altitude and the side of it was completely torn and it had white smoke coming out.”
But over two decades on when Carlos spoke again, he had even more to say.
He later described: “I observed a lot of debris, pieces and when I got out of the car I immediately smelled ammonia, like rotten eggs.
“A very strong smell, so strong that I had to cover my nose with the shirt I was wearing. My eyes got watery.
“I took a small piece (of debris), it was very light. Crumpled it, but when I released it, it went back to its original shape.”
Then he recalls being chased away by the military, who were very quickly at the crash site, carrying big guns and telling him to leave.
Soon after, the entire town was engulfed by military trucks and people in army uniforms blocking off roads and stopping anyone coming into the city or near where the crash had happened.
Eyewitnesses ‘ignored’
A few hours after the original concerning sightings, three sisters ranging from 14 to 22-years-old reported to their mum that they saw a weird “thing” by a fence.
The trio of women described the creature as a large headed thing with “spots like veins on the skin and some bumps on the head.”
One of the girls Liliane Silva said to the media afterwards: “What we saw wasn’t human. It wasn’t an animal either.”
Sister Valquiria agreed and said: “It wasn’t a man, it wasn’t an animal.
“I don’t know what it was, I can’t say. I can’t describe it.”
When they saw the alien-like being they quickly looked the other way and made a beeline for the comfort of the family home where their mum told them they had seen the “devil”.
Military ‘cover-up’
Rumours then began to spread through the tight-knit area, with several more reports of UFOs sightings in the days prior.
The claims included people seeing unidentified creatures being collected and taken to the local hospital to be examined.
Military trucks patrolled the town for a few days after the initial sightings, as a very peculiar animal type creature was seen “prowling” around a forest and several unexplained animal deaths in the local zoo occurred.
Ufologists would later allege that the alien might’ve got the animals pregnant as a potential explanation for the random deaths.
The official inquiry, led by the Brazilian military, only finished in 2010 where they blamed the apparent sightings on pure coincidence and rather convenient occurrences for the people of Varginha.
The young women’s claims were spectacularly put down to a homeless, mentally and physically unstable man nicknamed “Mudinho.”
A military commander showed photographs of Mudinho and said his physical characteristics matched the description the sisters gave.
Reasons for the man’s devilish look and awkward posture was due to him “probably being dirty, due to the heavy rains and seen crouching by a wall”.
The commander claimed Mudinho, “was mistaken by the three terrified girls as a space creature,” and he probably had some “mental disability“.
The head of the official inquiry went on to say that the military trucks and people present were simply performing a routine night of duties nearby Varginha so were able to quickly arrive in the town.
He said: “The departure of the vehicles were real facts incorrectly interpreted as firefighters and the military participating in the capture and later the transport of the alleged creature to Campinas.
“The presence of the firefighters and the parking of army trucks in the vicinity of the area was where their periodic maintenance would be carried out.”
The Brazilian authorities also put out a crazy coincidental statement that the aliens allegedly seen in hospital days after were actually just a dwarf couple who were expecting their first child.
To this day, the Brazilian government have continued to deny any conspiracy theories claiming it was hiding extraterrestrials.
Despite the lacking of any real evidence of the alien encounters, the town of Varginha still celebrates what they believe to be the truest human encounter with aliens ever.
Tourism in the city has been booming ever since, with little grey alien dolls being sold in huge numbers and the town even using the alien descriptions in advertising campaigns for the area.
Bus stops were shaped like spaceships and a 20m tall water tower, identical to a UFO was stuck directly in the middle of town in 2001.
It was named the Nave Espacial de Varginha or the Varginha Spaceship.
Missing video ‘proof’
Last year, popular filmmaker James Fox released Moment of Contact – a hit documentary retelling the alleged events that took place in Brazil, 27 years ago.
The key witness in the film was an anonymous military expert known as “Military X”, who claims they were part of the group of military officials who first captured the alien and he saw it being transported in a little grey box into a military truck.
The person also said a video was taken and does exist somewhere in the hands of the government but never released.
The US government were supposedly on hand to help get rid of any evidence from the UFO crash and were also given the bodies that were recovered.
If all of this is true, then it lines up very conveniently with the recent claims made by UFO officials and whistle blowers across the US and the world.
Top UFO chief Sean Kirkpatrick told the world that he is set to step down next month from his job following his stern warning of concerning activity “in our backyard.”
The Pentagon‘s UFO analysis office launched a UFO reporting service to the public after admitting to uncovering “some things” and calling the high number of suspicious activity either a foreign power or aliens.
Navy jet footage has revealed the intriguing images of a government-confirmed UFO baffling the internet.
The United States Government launched the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in 2022 to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
Researchers have also recently verified the legitimacy of a set of three-fingered mummies as potential evidence of “non-human” life forms.
A line-up of doctors confirmed at Mexico‘s Congress on Tuesday that the bodies, purportedly not of this Earth, were in fact real, once-living organisms.
The three sisters were asked to speak in James Fox’s documentary Moment Of Contact where they told their side of the story decades on from the eerie meeting with the ‘alien’Twitter / @jamescfox Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]