Crossbow killer influenced by Andrew Tate & watched videos of toxic misogynist hours before he murdered ex & her family


TRIPLE killer Kyle Clifford was under the influence of misogyny “poster boy” Andrew Tate when he murdered his ex-girlfriend, her mother and sister, it can be revealed.

Violent misogyny promoted by notorious influencer Tate was the same type which fuelled Clifford’s massacre of Louise Hunt, mum Carol and her sister Hannah, prosecutors say.

PAKyle Clifford has been found guilty of raping his ex in a triple murder[/caption]

APHe researched Andrew Tate after the attack[/caption]

FacebookLouise Hunt was tied up before being shot dead with a crossbow[/caption]

InstagramHer sister Hannah was also killed in the horror[/caption]

FacebookMum Carol, pictured with BBC star husband John, was stabbed to death[/caption]

Jilted Clifford accessed material from Tate on the internet within 24 hours of fatally shooting Louise, 25, and Hannah, 28, with a crossbow after stabbing 61-year-old Carol to death.

Former soldier Clifford was today found guilty of raping Louise while holding her prisoner for almost three hours in a “violent act of sexual spite.”

Her ordeal came after Clifford murdered Carol after tricking his way into the family home on the pretence of returning Louise’ possessions 13 days after she jilted him.

It comes as:

Clifford was today convicted of raping Louise in the day of the horror

The monster cried fake tears in his police interview

Clifford went from Army dropout to triple killer

He later fatally shot dog groomer Louise with the crossbow as her beautician sister Hannah arrived home from work – before turning the weapon on her too.

It can now be reported how Clifford took advice on crossbows during a phone call with older brother Bradley, who is in prison serving a life sentence for a road rage murder.

Though there is no suggestion that Bradley Clifford knew about his younger brother’s atrocity in advance.

The rape verdict came on International Women’s Day and after his misogyny was outlined in legal argument before the trial.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan, KC, wanted to introduce evidence about Clifford’s interest in influencer Andrew Tate, who celebrates violence against women.

She said that at the time of the murders, Tate was a “widely known misogynist.”

On the day before the murders, Clifford told “an acquaintance” he had been watching videos and was online “looking at Tate or some of his outpourings.”

His phone also showed he had tried to search for a podcast made by British and American former kickboxer champion Tate, who is facing rape and human trafficking charges.

Ms Morgan said: “That is what the defendant is searching for less than 24 hours before he is trying to get into the Hunt family home.

“He is searching for that Andrew Tate podcast.

“It misogyny. He is seeking to control Louise Hunt in a final act of spite.”

Mr Justice Joel Bennathan said the Crown alleged “the sort of violent misogyny promoted by Tate is the same type of motivations that….fuelled both the murders and the rape.”

The judge conceded he could see “the potential relevance of the Tate material.”

But he barred it from evidence saying it lacked direct evidence against the defendant and was “deeply prejudicial” since Tate is “almost a poster boy for misogynists” and currently in the news.

Police also revealed how Clifford’s interest in Tate was one of the key reasons why Louise ended her relationship with him.

Clifford was seen buying tape in a B&Q just days before the attack

He shopped at a garden centre on the day of the killingsPA

Clifford was then spotted scoping out the family home to allegedly see how many cars were on the drive

Footage showed him leaving the home with the crossbow hidden under a blanket

Louise, who ran a dog grooming business from home, was upset when Clifford laughed as he played a video in front of her and friends showing Tate harming an animal.

Herts Police Detective Chief Inspector Nick Gardner said friends had commented about Clifford watching the Tate video.

He said: “There’s an incident where Louise and her friends have some sort of social event and he puts on an Andrew Tate video.

“It was something about animals being harmed and he seemed to find it funny.”

Cops found a number of videos from Tate on Clifford’s phone following his atrocity.

Tate, 38, flew to Florida last week with brother Tristan, 36, from Romania where they face rape and human trafficking charges.

US authorities announced this week they have launched a criminal investigation into the pair, who also face separate charges in the UK.

Self-confessed misogynist Tate has 10 million followers on X despite previously being banned from social media.

Clifford met Louise through the dating website Bumble and Ms Morgan said he “controlled the relationship deceitfully” for its 18-month duration.

GettyClifford accessed material from Tate on the internet within 24 hours of fatally shooting Louise and her family[/caption]

Friends told how Louise changed under his influence and stopped wearing make-up. Clifford is also reported to have stopped her seeing male friends.

Clifford himself was cheating on Louise and from January last year up to the killings the ex-Queen’s Dragoon guard had relationships with two women.

He met the women – who had no idea about Louise – through his job as a refrigeration engineer and also frequently went on dating sites.

He messaged one of the women – named Sammy – to say ‘Sorry Sam’ moments before carrying out the attacks.

Ms Morgan said Clifford’s control of Louise was evident in messages recovered.

She added that the comments were being made by somebody “who has deceived Louise Hunt over a lengthy period of time by being engaged in other relationships.”

Ms Morgan continued: “He is a male character who does not like to be told by women ‘no.’”

She added that during the period when Louise was trying to break up from him and he was “purporting to get back together” with her, “he is still in regular contact with Sammy.”

Ms Morgan said the contact with Sammy included the day Clifford went out walking with Louise just before she finally jilted him on 26 June last year.

It also emerged during legal submissions how Clifford went on to the Hinge dating site to meet women on the day Louise informed him the relationship was over.

How you can get help

Women’s Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

Always keep your phone nearby.
Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
If you are in danger, call 999.
Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.

If you are a ­victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – [email protected].

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

Ms Morgan said Clifford had gained “gratification from using and having the right number of women.”

She said in argument that “sexualised violence” was a “significant feature” in his attack and part of his world viewpoint.

The prosecutor said: “It might be said that the rape is at the heart of these events.

“Why he wants to carry out this attack on Louise Hunt and why he wants to…’s all about sexualised context.”

Senior investigating officer DCI Gardner said the break-up with Louise was “amicable,” adding there was nothing in messages between the couple to suggest “any violence, threat or stalking.”

He said of the attack: “It was completely unforeseeable from the Hunt family’s perspective.”

FacebookLouise broke up with Clifford after telling friends he had a ‘nasty temper’[/caption]

UnpixsHe had grown ‘resentful’ towards her family[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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