Docs wanting to see just 25 people a day? When will we admit the NHS is broken?


FACED with national outrage about how difficult it is to get a face-to- face visit with your GP, the doctors have now come up with a cunning plan to make it even HARDER.

Incredibly, they are now demanding that the medics should see only 25 patients per day.

GettyGPs are now demanding they should see only 25 patients per day[/caption]

Not only that, but they want waiting lists for visits to their surgeries.

This will all cause untold pressure for our already beleaguered National Health Service. And it will inflict utter misery upon the sick, especially the elderly sick.

The doctors claim that sometimes they are forced to see up to 90 appointments per day.

This runs the risk of them making hurried decisions and possibly missing serious illnesses.

They say that 25 would be a “safe” limit.

This will have several outcomes — none of them good.

First, many many more people will instead turn up at the A&E departments, desperate for treatment.

The emergency outpatient departments are already notorious for making the sick and injured wait for more than six hours before they so much as come into contact with a doctor.

They are crowded into waiting areas, often in enormous pain and with no chance of treatment for ages.

I have seen this with my own eyes recently and it was heartbreaking.

So, much more pressure on our hospitals.

But it will also lead to more and more patients just giving up the ghost and deciding to go without treatment.

Believing that this will be less painful and frustrating than going through the hopelessly bureaucratic and obstructive procedure of trying to see a doctor.

That will store up problems for the future.

Dennis Reed, a spokesman for Silver Voices, which campaigns for rights for the elderly, said: “Little wonder that so many patients are now giving up on primary care and going straight to the local hospital.”

AlamyMany many more people will instead turn up at the A&E departments, desperate for treatment[/caption]

There are plenty of reasons why we have this crisis.

The first is that the doctors have been getting more and more arsey for the past decade.

They are members of the hard-left British Medical Association, which sees its main job as to bring down the current Government.

It is playing politics with the public’s health.

One imbecilic doctor who had a prominent role in the BMA said Conservatives should not be allowed to work as medics.

That’s how warped some of these people are.

Stagger on

But it’s also true that the number of doctors working full-time as GPs has been falling for years.

This is at a time when our population has been swelled by ever greater numbers of immigrants.

The Government seems to have no notion of how to stop this deeply damaging, unwanted influx.

So things will get a lot worse before they get better.

We also have an increasingly elderly population, which requires more care.

The bottom line is that the NHS simply does not work any more.

Our expectations and demands upon it have grown.

And the NHS simply can’t deliver.

But no politician is prepared to say this in public.

So we stagger on with a third-rate service, with the sick and elderly sacrificed by radical, left-wing doctors.

Because nobody is prepared to point out the obvious: The NHS is not working.

MAYBE there is hope for the Tories after all.

I’ve just received a flyer from the Labour Party introducing their local candidate for the next general election.

She tells us all about herself and the stuff she will do if elected. Great, sure.

But nowhere, on either side of the flyer, does it tell you one fairly important thing: What her name is.

Come on Labour, sort it out. Or you’ll lose again.

Comedy classic sequel will be spineless

AlamyPlans are afoot to create a Spinal Tap! sequel[/caption]

Guests such as Elton John and Paul McCartney, above, have been lined up for cameo rolesGetty

OH no! They’re doing a sequel to Spinal Tap!

The brilliant satire of an ageing heavy metal band came out in 1984.

It is rightly regarded as one of the funniest films ever made.

But now they’re thinking of reconvening the band.

And have got guests such as Elton John and Paul McCartney lined up for cameo roles.

Please don’t do it.

Sequels are never as funny and only spoil the memories of the original film.

I have a wild idea…

THE Government is about to designate a new National Park somewhere in the country.

GettyOne of the areas being considered as a national park is the deeply boring Cotswolds. Countryside for people who hate the countryside[/caption]

On one of the remaining few acres of land that hasn’t been paved over.

It comes after it was criticised for its poor record on climate and nature.

One of the areas being considered is the deeply boring Cotswolds.

Countryside for people who hate the countryside.

Naming somewhere a National Park, though, does not mean it will be an area swarming with diverse wildlife.

Quite often it means the precise opposite.

The North York Moors, for example, are a moonscape given over to the cultivation of grouse.

Everything else pretty much exterminated.

I’ve seen more diverse wildlife in an Aldi car park.

The Government would be better off rewilding our existing national parks.

But that would involve annoying the rich landowners – probably the last Tory voters in the country.

GettyIf Omid Sobie’s awful book means the Sussexes are even more estranged from the Royal Family, then good[/caption]

BOUGHT Endgame yet? That’s the new book by the seriously weird Omid Scobie, about Prince Harry and Meghan.

I haven’t.

In fact, I think I’d rather read my own death certificate.

And if his awful book means the Sussexes are even more estranged from the Royal Family, then good.

Go your own way, Harry.

And see how interested people are in you when all of your titles have been removed.

Music ‘sure is bad

I’VE just spent about an hour waiting on the phone to my car insurance company.

What insurance companies should play instead of their brain-rotting trip hop holding music is Chainsaw Masochist, by Rancid Hell Spawn, aboveRECORD COMPANY

Much worse, though, is that for the whole time I was forced to listen to brain-rotting trip hop music while on hold.

I suppose they choose trip hop because they consider it inoffensive.

But it isn’t.

It’s vapid, boring dross – the worst music ever invented.

What they should play instead is Chainsaw Masochist, by Rancid Hell Spawn, above.

OK, it’s a bit noisy.

But at least it will put you in the right frame of mind for when you finally get through to a human being.

Scots nuke naïve

THE Government is trying to convince the Scottish National Party to drop its ludicrous veto on nuclear power.

AlamyNuclear power will be vital to the UK[/caption]

Quite right. The SNP’s position is hypocritical as well as Luddite and stupid.

It won’t build nuclear power plants.

But it has no objection to radioactive materials being manufactured and used in the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of seriously ill Scottish people, as well as being used for the sterilisation of equipment.

It presumably has no objection to smoke alarms being made, either – where the vital component is usually the radioactive Americium.

Where does the SNP think we get these products from? Elves?

THE Covid inquiry drags on.

With those scientists being given the gentlest of questions.

Nobody challenging the usefulness of lockdowns.

No questioning, either, about where the virus came from.

Many believe it escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China.

But this inquiry is a terrible, needless waste of money, from which we will learn nothing of importance.

Time to bin U.N.

THE United Nations is threatening to blacklist the UK from its human rights body.

This is because we understand that there are two sexes, biologically – and there’s an end to it.

The perpetually shrieking trans lobby and their supporters in groups such as Stonewall object.

It really is time we jacked in our membership of the UN and persuaded a few like-minded countries to join us.

It is a tenth-rate organisation whose biggest budget contributors are us and the USA.

And which spends its time sucking up to despotic third-world dictators and the woke lobby. Get rid.

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