Govt launches mission save the full English breakfast amid food production crisis


THE GOVERNMENT is launching a mission to save the full English breakfast after the crisis in production of eggs and sausages.

Cabinet Minister Therese Coffey will order urgent government action to ensure well farmed British grub stays on our plates.

The Government wants to act before there is a shortage of British farmed eggs and sausages

Supermarkets were hit by a massive egg shortage earlier this year after farmers were clobbered by bird flu and spiralling costs.

Meanwhile, British pig farmers had warned their industry was on the brink of collapse because of sky-high feed prices and labour shortages.

A Westminster insider said: “This is about ensuring good quality British eggs and pork.”

The Sun on Sunday understands the government will launch a review into unfair prices in the egg sector tomorrow.

The aim is to find a way of giving British farmers more money for their eggs without pushing up supermarket prices.

It comes hot on the heels of a government review into pig farming.

This committed No10 to tightening regulation so pig farmers get a better deal.

This will ensure more British bacon and sausages are stocked in our shops and end up on our plates, Whitehall insiders said.

Rishi Sunak wants to improve Britain’s food security by growing and rearing more grub here at home.

It comes after the twin shocks of Covid lockdowns and the war in Ukraine hammered our food supply chains.

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