Hamas beast who paraded murdered Shani Louk’s naked body through Gaza has been KILLED, claims top rabbi


ISRAEL has killed the Hamas monster who spat on and paraded Shani Louk’s naked body through Gaza, her family claims.

The mother of the murdered tattoo artist, 22, reportedly told a top rabbi that her daughter’s assailant had been wiped out by Israel’s military.

The Hamas gunman who paraded Shani Louk through Gaza is said to have been wiped out by the IDFshanukkk/Instagram

TwitterThe Hamas monster (pictured standing) spat on and stood on Shani’s lifeless body[/caption]

shanukkk/InstagramThe 22-year-old was declared dead on October 30 after a skull fragment was found[/caption]

At the end of October, the young German-Israeli woman was declared dead after a fragment of her skull was found at the site of the Supernova festival bloodbath.

Her mother, Ricarda, has now allegedly revealed to TV host Rabbi Shmuley that IDF forces had tracked down and killed the Hamas beast responsible for “defiling” her body.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote on Twitter: “Ricarda Louk… revealed to us in her public conversation with me that the Hamas terrorist monster who parades [Shani’s] naked body around Gaza, defiling her in the name of Islam, and screaming Allahu Akbar, was killed by the IDF.”

“That monster is now roasting in hell forever as will the other Hamas savages who perpetrated this massacre,” he added.

Rabbi Shmuley is a US author and TV host, who has been dubbed “America’s most famous rabbi”.

His claims have not been officially confirmed yet.

The last time Shani had been seen was when footage emerged of her lifeless half-naked body being dragged through Gaza in a truck.

It showed gun-toting Hamas terrorists spitting on her as she lay face down, making it unclear if she was alive or not.

The warped terrorist that has been allegedly killed was filmed standing and holding up Shani’s body by her hair as he gleefully shouted in Arabic: “Good is most great”.

Three weeks of silence then followed until Israel confirmed that remains had been found.

Her heartbroken family described their “great sadness” at the news of their peace-loving daughter’s death after holding out hope she was alive and being held as a hostage.

But her brother, Amit, described the the relief he felt finally knowing what had happened to his “angel” sister.

“In so many ways, I feel to know this, to know she’s not suffering anymore,” he told Sky News.

Amit said that he knows exactly how he will remember his sister – full of love and joy.

“She loved music. She loved tattoos. She was an artistic person by nature… In the way she was talking and the way she was moving. In the way she danced.”

“There was no dark side, only pure angel,” he said.

Together with his family, they are still mourning the fact they cannot bury their beloved Shani as “there are not enough fragments”.

The exact circumstances around the tattoo artist’s death still remain unclear.

The grim discovery of her skull fragment led Israeli president Isaac Herzog to claim she had been mutilated and beheaded before her death.

“This means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head as they attacked, tortured and killed Israelis.

“It is a great tragedy and I extend my deepest condolences to her family,” he told Bild.

However, Shani’s grief-stricken father Nissim Louk rejects this claim and believes she was shot in the head.

Mr Louk said that his daughter had been enjoying herself “until the last moment”.

He claimed that his daughter had tried to escape the massacre with friends in their car but that they were met by armed Hamas terrorists who opened fire.

The last time Shani’s family heard from her was a brief and panicked phone call as the gunmen descended on the dance festival.

“She said we’re leaving right now, don’t worry,” Amit told Sky News, adding that he too believes she was shot in the head soon after.

Ricarda Louk previously revealed that her brave daughter’s last messages were to tell her friends to “run”.

The anti-war tattoo artist, who reportedly shunned Israel’s mandatory military service, was kidnapped from the festival during the start of Hamas’s surprise attack on southern Israel.

The trance party – designed as a celebration of “peace and love” – turned into a mass slaughter, etched forever in the minds of Israelis.

As Hamas retreated back into Gaza taking young hostages, 260 bodies of the innocent ravers were found among the desert plains.

In the hours that followed the massacre, Shani’s family had recognised her lifeless, half-naked body in horrifying footage that shocked the world.

“If you saw the video, you can imagine how I felt,” Ricarda told The Times this week.

“You feel like you’re in a horror movie, when you see your own daughter being transported like this by those barbarian people and everybody celebrating and spitting on her.

“It’s like you’re in a bad movie and you want to wake up. A bad dream. It’s devastating.”

Shani’s family heard nothing for three days until they got word that the 22-year-old was allegedly in “critical condition” and being treated in a Gaza hospital.

The Louks now believe this was untrue and that Shani had been killed the day of Hamas’s assault on Israel.

In the days after Shani vanished, The Sun revealed chilling texts were sent from the phone of her missing boyfriend Orión Hernández Radoux, 30.

Harrowing messages written in Arabic were sent from the Mexican dad’s phone that say: “I spit on you” and “God damn you”.

His family have pleaded for answers over his disappearance and fear that he too was abducted and is being held by Hamas.

Ricarda Louk appealed for help to find her daughter for weeks until Israel confirmed she was dead

Shani’s boyfriend, Orión Hernández Radoux, has been missing since the festival

The abandoned site of the Supernova music festival after Hamas militants gunned down hundreds

ReutersHer family are mourning the fact they cannot bury Shani as they believe her body is still in Gaza[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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