THIS is the horrific moment a controlling husband strangled his estranged wife before running her over as she tried to flee.
Varinder Singh, 28, was seen on CCTV throttling his wife in a car park as she desperately tries to fight back.
SWNSVarinder Singh was captured on CCTV strangling his estranged wife[/caption]
SWNSHe then mowed her down as she attempted to flee[/caption]
SWNSThe thug has been jailed for six years[/caption]
He then bundles her into the backseat of his car before driving away from the shopping centre in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
The woman can be seen escaping from the vehicle and attempting to make a run for it close to the car park exit.
But evil Singh turns the car away and ploughs into her – knocking her to the ground.
He has now been jailed for six years and handed a restraining order after he admitted grievous bodily harm with intent, kidnap and assault.
Bradford Crown Court heard Singh and his estranged wife had agreed to meet at the shopping centre to discuss their divorce in August when the horror unfolded.
He strangled his former partner into a “semi-conscious state” as she struggled against him before falling to the ground.
The nightmare ordeal only ended when fellow shoppers jumped out of a car and detained Singh.
Thankfully the woman didn’t suffer any physical injuries but told how she still suffers flashbacks of the attack.
How you can get help
Women’s Aid has this advice for victims and their families:
Always keep your phone nearby.
Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
If you are in danger, call 999.
Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – [email protected].
Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.
You can also call the freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
Recorder of Bradford Bryan Cox KC said: “The reality is that this was serious violence committed in the context of a relationship in which you sought to control and dominate your wife.
“It is self-evident from what you did and indeed from your victim’s statement that these offences will have a lasting and profound effect upon her.
“The CCTV shows you driving your motor car at your victim at some speed. You plainly intended to inflict serious injury.
“It is a matter of pure good fortune that you did not cause much greater physical injuries.”
Singh, who now faces deportation back to his native India, was also banned from driving for six years.
SWNSSingh strangled the woman to the ground in the shopping centre car park[/caption]
SWNSHe then bundled her into the back of his car[/caption]
SWNSOnce they got outside, she attempted to flee but was run over[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]