Horror moment supermarket worker’s husband smacks her boss in the head with a SHOVEL in revenge for ‘telling wife off’


THIS is the shocking moment a supermarket worker’s husband horrifically knocks her boss out cold with a shovel.

The enraged spouse sought out his wife’s manager in an apparent revenge act for telling his “wife off”.

A supermarket worker’s husband hit her boss in the headJam Press

Her husband used a shovel from the shop to do itJam Press

CCTV footage caught the shocking moment in Sinop, BrazilNF/newsX

Danielson Martins Paiva, 29, had visited the supermarket in the Brazilian city of Sinop, north west of Brasilia.

CCTV camera caught him calmly assessing a row of garden equipment before he picked up a shovel on Saturday 18 January.

The husband calmly walked around the front of the store wielding the garden equipment turned weapon.

Paiva strolled over to the unknowing store manager, and had the shovel resting on his shoulder.

The victim – Claudio Soares dos Santos – was caught off guard while he spoke on the phone and looked at a display cabinet.

Paiva took his opportunity and swung the shovel right at the manager’s head.

The horrifying video showed dos Santos, 40, freeze before he dramatically fell to the ground.

The impact even forced the manager’s phone to fly out of his hands.

Dos Santos managed to roll over on his back and grasped his head in his hands before confused workers and shoppers attempted to help.

His colleagues then quickly put Paiva in a headlock.

The shovel wielder was then seen being taken away by security at the end of the video.

Paiva revealed the surprise reason for his horrific actions.

He revealed his wife had complained about work demands and being denied time off.

Paiva was arrested by local cops who called the suspect “cowardly” and is facing attempted murder charges.

Police chief Sérgio Ribeiro said: “The suspect was questioned and stated that he went there to confront the man but thought he was too big.

“It was a cowardly act. He got scared and delivered a blow that could have been fatal while the victim’s back was turned.”

Dos Santos recalled how he believed his phone unexpectedly saved his life that day.

He told local media: “It shattered inside my ear, and I had to get stitches.

“But the phone protected me from the full force of the blow.”

Dos Santos has since been discharged from hospital and is recovering at home.

Jam PressDanielson Martins Paiva, 29, picked up a shovel from a store display[/caption]

The manager’s colleagues put the husband into a headlockJam Press

Jam PressThe husband carried the shovel around the store as be tried to find the manager[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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