Human Rights are mad if an Albanian drug baron can stay in UK to be a ROLE MODEL for his daughter


I WONDER if the judges are doing it deliberately. Just to wind us all up. Because, believe me, things are now getting surreal.

An Albanian drug baron called Xhoni Leka who ran a cannabis factory in Cumbria gets sent to prison for three years and four months.

Albanian drug baron Xhoni Leka has avoided being deported as his young daughter would have been ‘deprived of a male role model’

GettyAnyone who arrives illegally should be kicked out[/caption]

Leka ran a cannabis factory in Cumbria and got sent to prison for three years and four months

When he comes out, we try to deport him. But he appeals. Under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. And he wins.

The tribunal judges decide he cannot be deported because his four-year-old daughter would be deprived of a male role model. Yes, a ROLE MODEL.

He’s a ******* drug baron. In what possible sense is he a role model for his daughter?

Unless we think we’re a bit short of drug barons here. And maybe she could be groomed as the next one, keep the family business going.

It is beyond credulity that the courts could make such a decision. And yet it happens every day. Each case slightly more absurd than the one preceding it.

And a whole bunch of crims let loose to continue their activities over here.

It comes as we reveal on our front page today how The Sun has won a court battle to unmask an Albanian cop killer, Maksim Cela, who is fighting deportation from the UK on human-rights grounds because he fears, er, mobsters back home.

And in the same week as good ol’ role model Xhoni got leave to stay, a court made the same decision in the case of Polish skank Nikodem Lopata.

Nikodem has been selling cocaine since he was a kid. He was caught with intent to supply heroin and crack cocaine. He also had a huge knife on him. We tried to deport him.

Nope, no can do. And the reason? He claims he can’t speak Polish. He is Polish but he says he can’t speak it.

Listen. I found a book on the internet — Polish For Dummies. It is £3.98. I will happily buy a copy for Nikodem.

I’ll also throw in a packet of Twiglets for his flight home. Just get him out of our country. Now, or sooner than now.

Can you believe this stuff?

It follows on from a whole bunch of refusals for deportation a couple of weeks ago — I think I mentioned some of them at the time.

There was the West Indian crim who applied for leave to remain here. Because her Latvian husband would find the climate too hot in the Caribbean. And might not like the spicy food.

That came in the same week as another Albanian crim was told he could stay here — partly because his son didn’t like the sorts of chicken nuggets they serve in the Balkans.

Anyone who arrives here illegally should be turned round and kicked out

And these decisions are taken each week, one after the other.

They are an insult to honest taxpayers here who foot the bills for these ridiculous trib-unals. And then see criminal after criminal taking the p***.

And an insult to the immigrants who come here legally and live blameless, productive lives.

Here’s the deal. Anyone who comes here and commits a serious crime — such as running a cannabis factory — should be kicked out. No appeal, no tribunal — just out and stay OUT.

And anyone who arrives here illegally should be turned right around and kicked out.

That would simplify matters, wouldn’t it? And if it means we need to renounce the European Convention on Human Rights and sack all those witless judges, so much the better.

Home OfficeFootage of illegal migrants being marched onto planes was recently released[/caption]


ReutersTrump subjecting Ukraine’s president Zelensky to humiliations is showing the USA as being terribly weak[/caption]

ONE way or another there will be peace in Ukraine, I suspect.

But my worry is that it will be a peace which leaves the country much smaller. And so Vladimir Putin will have got everything he wants.

It’s all very well for Donald Trump to grandstand and subject Ukraine’s president, Vlodymyr Zelensky, to humiliations.

But that’s not showing the USA as being strong. It’s showing it as being terribly weak.

Has Donald Trump managed to wring a single concession out of Putin? If he has, nobody has heard about it.


YAY, Crufts is back! We always watch it. We like seeing our dog, Jessie, growl at the TV when there’s some primped-up pedigree poncing around the ring.

We quite fancied entering her this year in the category “Dog Whose Flatulence Can Blister The Most Paint”. I think she’d win that one, easy.


COMMON sense has returned to the global investment company Aberdeen.

It had changed its name in a rebranding exercise to Abrdn. And was surprised when everybody took the mick. Whoever suggested it was probably paid a million quid.

I remember when I was on a work placement (from the BBC) to Guinness.

Had a great time – it’s a wonderful company. But I also saw dismay and disbelief on the faces of senior executives when it was revealed the new name of the company was going to be Diageo.

Some bigwig explained it meant something to do with the Earth and God.

Unlike Guinness, which everybody knows and can immediately identify as a nice drink.

When will these companies learn?


NEW research suggest there are just below one million people in the UK who can’t speak English. And that’s before you add in all the Geordies.

 It should be axiomatic that anybody wishing to live and work in this country should be fluent in the English language.

And anyone who cannot speak it should not be allowed in. If you can’t be a***d to learn the language, why should we allow you the privilege of living here?


GettyIt’s hard to believe five years ago we went into Covid lockdown[/caption]

IT is hard to believe it, looking back. But five years ago we all went berserk.

This month in 2020 was the beginning of lockdown. It was intended to protect the population from the ravages of a terrifying new virus, Covid. It didn’t.

Instead, it wrecked the education of a lot of kids. Destroyed the economy. Separated families. Left the elderly to die in care homes where they couldn’t be visited.

 And suggested to a fairly large swathe of the population that they didn’t need to go to work any more.

 Our economy is still shattered by those two years. And now we’re finding out that quite a few people have had very serious reactions to the Covid vaccines.

Meanwhile, the flu which hit everybody this Christmas felt FAR more unpleasant than Covid.

Have we ever, in our history, made a greater mistake than we did when we reacted to Covid?


THE BBC has just explained Huw Edwards doesn’t want to give back that £200,000.

 It seems to have come as something of a surprise to them.

The BBC bunged Edwards the money when he was suspended for having solicited porno pics of a young man.

Later the cops found he had loads of filthy images. I don’t know what approach the BBC has taken to get our money back.

Maybe they just asked him nicely. The BBC does have a certain laxity when it comes to spending our dosh.

I can’t work out if just giving it to Edwards was better or worse than the money spent on Smoggie Queens.


Meghan Markle is still clinging to her royal title because it is the only reason anyone is remotely interested in herNetflix

She has now become a cut-price Gwyneth Paltrow

WHY did Netflix allow Meghan Markle to produce a programme, main shot, so stunningly vapid it makes Peppa Pig seem like Tolstoy?

This ghastly, grasping woman still clings to her royal title.

Because she knows it is the only reason anyone is even remotely interested in her.

She doesn’t even know her own name. She refers to herself as Meghan SUSSEX. Whereas Mountbatten-Windsor is her actual surname.

Now she’s become a cut-price Gwyneth Paltrow, flogging pointless lifestyle tat to anyone who is dumb enough to fork out.

Harry, mate, get the hell out while there’s time.

PAMeghan’s Netflix programme is so stunningly vapid it makes Peppa Pig seem like Tolstoy?[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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