I thought there was an intruder when I saw figure at top of stairs — it was just the shadow was from pile of clothes


A HOMEOWNER got the fright of her life when she saw this figure at the top of her stairs.

Julia Jordan, 59, of Storrington, West Sussex, thought she had an intruder — until she realised it was a shadow cast by husband Jason’s clothes.

Julia Jordan got the fright of her life seeing this side profile at the top of the stairsKennedy News and Media

But the shadow was just a freaky coincidence from the angle a pile of her husband’s clothes had been arranged inKennedy

Laughing Julia posted images to Facebook when she realised what had really happenedKennedy News and Media

Laughing Julia took photos of the unlikely shadow with its prominent chin, pointed nose and large forehead along with 54-year-old Jason’s folded hi-vis jacket, boxers and trousers.

Julia has been left baffled at how the lorry driver’s garments cut such an ‘almost perfect side-profile’ and believes even an artist couldn’t have sculpted it better.

She posted the images to Facebook where the image of what looks like a burglar’s head behind the bannister has been liked more than 30,000 times by amused users who agreed they’d have panicked too.

Julia now believes the shadow looks more like a sumo wrestler or Queen Victoria while others have compared it to Winston Churchill and even legendary film director Alfred Hitchcock.

Julia said: “I was coming upstairs with my cup of tea so I nearly dropped it when I saw the shadow.

“It was just crazy. Nobody could make it up and nobody would have believed me if I didn’t catch it on camera. The chances are so slim.

“How did it catch the light so perfectly? I’m not an artist but you couldn’t design that at all. It’s almost a perfect side-profile.”

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