I was raped by Brit ISIS ‘Beatle’ Aine Davis and sold 15 times as sex slave – jihadi monster must face trial in the UK


A BRAVE Yazidi woman claims she was raped by a suspected British ISIS “Beatle” while she was kept as a slave by jihadi monsters in Syria for four years.

Lina – whose name has been changed by The Sun to protect her identity – was held at an ISIS brothel in Raqqa for six months where she says she was raped at least 10 times by London-born Aine Davis.

The SunAlan Duncan, who has spent years investigating ISIS’s crimes, pictured with Lina[/caption]

The SunLina – not her real name – picked out Aine Davis from a line-up of 40 ISIS fighters[/caption]

CPSAine Davis (bottom right) posing with a group of suspected ISIS fighters[/caption]

PADavis is suspected of being a member of an ISIS death squad dubbed The Beatles[/caption]

Davis – who was jailed this week for eight years on terrorism charges – is linked to the ISIS death squad dubbed The Beatles due to their British accents, with Davis suspected of being “Paul”.

He is one of the highest-profile terror Brits to return from Syria – but has always denied being connected with The Beatles cell.

In 2014, ISIS militants launched a brutal attack on the Yazidi people – a religious and ethnic minority in northern Iraq.

They were subjected to genocide, with an estimated 5,000 murdered and more than 10,000 kidnapped.

ISIS brutes led an organised campaign of executions, enslavement, sexual violence, and forced recruitment of child soldiers.

Some women were handed out as gifts to fighters who took part in the siege, while other women were sold for $50, and children for $35.

Thousands of Yazidis who were kidnapped and kept as slaves by ISIS beasts remain missing, mass graves remain unexhumed, and Iraq has never prosecuted ISIS members for their crimes.

Lina was one of thousands snatched by the bloodthirsty extremists in August 2014 when IS seized vast swathes of northern Iraq.

She was dumped in Raqqa, Syria and kept as a sex slave at a brothel in the city for six months – where she was raped up to eight times a day by ISIS brutes.

Repeatedly drugged, raped and beaten alongside girls as young as 12, Lina faced unimaginable horror at the hands of ISIS fighters.

And while she was held captive, Lina identified one of the ISIS fighters who raped her as British dad-of-four Davis.

Speaking to squaddie turned documentarian Alan Duncan, Lina said Davis raped her at least 10 times – and would choose her every time he visited.

During our interview with Lina, we showed her at least 30 photos of ISIS fighters from around the world – and she pointed to a photo of Davis.

In the videotaped interview, Alan pushes Lina on whether there is any doubt over the identity of Davis as one her rapists.

But she said she was “100 per cent” certain.

Speaking via a translator in Kurdistan, she said: “He was always mad.

“If I saw him now, I would know him. He was always beating me.

“He always chose me for himself. If he wasn’t out fighting, he would come every day.

“When it wasn’t him, his friend would come instead.”

Lina was kept as a slave by ISIS for four years.

She was sold at least 15 times to different soldiers until she managed to flee in 2018.

While she was close to the Iraqi border, Lina managed to get hold of a phone and bravely call her brother who gave her instructions on how to get out.

“They destroyed my life and future,” Lina told us.

“Life is a nightmare. I just want justice.”

Former drug dealer Davis was deported from Turkey in August last year after serving a seven-and-a-half year sentence for membership of IS.

On his arrival at Luton airport, he was detained by British counter-terrorism cops and charged with three offences. 

He was jailed for possession of a firearm and two charges of funding terrorism at the Old Bailey on Monday.

Nick Price, head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: “Davis left the UK and travelled to Syria to involve himself with a proscribed terrorist organisation.

“While in Syria, he was able to call upon an associate or a network of like-minded individuals to arrange and deliver €20,000 to his wife, which was due to be taken to the country.

“There is sufficient evidence through the communication between Davis and his wife to demonstrate that the money was to finance terrorism.

“Photographs and messages recovered from his wife’s phone clearly show that Davis was part of the Islamic State group and concerned in terrorist-related activity in Syria.

“It is only right he has been convicted and imprisoned in this country.”

But Davis is yet to face any charges over his alleged crimes against the Yazidis.

By speaking to The Sun, Lina hopes to push for British ISIS fighters – including Davis – to face prosecution in the UK and follow in the footsteps of Germany.

A court sketch of Davis – who pleaded guilty to terrorism charges at the Old BaileyPA

APISIS fighters use rape as a form of terrorism against its victims (file photo)[/caption]

Graduation of new fighters from ISIS camps in Syria

AlamyISIS fighters in Aleppo – where many Yazidi women from northern Iraq were taken[/caption]

The SunAlan with another former ISIS slave, Naveen Rasho – who he helped rescue in 2019 from an camp in Syria[/caption]

Yazidi women and dedicated lawyers are working tirelessly to gather evidence against ISIS soldiers in the hope of making them face justice.

In June this year, a 37-year-old female ISIS member, identified only as “Nadine K”, was convicted in Germany of enslaving and abusing Yazidi woman Naveen Rasho during ISIS’s brutal campaign.

Alan has spent years investigating ISIS’s crimes – filming interviews with extremists and victims to highlight the devastating impact of IS’s actions.

And in 2019, it was the Scots sniper who was involved in the rescue of Naveen from the notorious Al-Hawl refugee camp packed with thousands of terrorists in north-east Syria.

He has spent the last four years filming Naveen’s journey since her rescue for an upcoming documentary, helping her case get to trial.

Following the conviction, Naveen said: “The justice that I hope to achieve through this trial not only concerns me personally but also our Yazidi community.

“I allow myself to speak on behalf of all survivors, stating that as individuals and as a Yazidi community, we can only process what happened to us if we experience justice.”

Naveen, who testified in court over six days, was represented by a number of top lawyers – including British barrister Amal Clooney.

It was the third conviction of an ISIS member for genocide against the Yazidi community in Iraq and Syria since August 2014.

Amal said: “We have reached these milestones because of the bravery of survivors, like my client, who were raped and enslaved by ISIS but were determined to face their abusers.

“Thank you to Germany, which has led the world in bringing ISIS to justice.”

Lina’s lawyer, Zemfira Dlovani, is now urging Britain to follow suit and prosecute returning ISIS fighters who subjected Yazidis to horrifying abuse.

“Davis, as a British ISIS member, was involved in crimes against my client but also how many other crimes against the Yazidi women and children?” Zemfira told The Sun.

“Now the British government must do all it can to investigate the crimes against my client and against all Yazidis by British ISIS members.”

She added: “More Yazidi witnesses must also be questioned and their statements included in court proceedings.

“This is what the Yazidi community wishes and expects. So far, the reference to the Yazidis and the terror against them has been completely missing in British judgements.

“The media can point the way here and focus the British jurisdiction on them.

“We Yazidi would like Britain to follow the German example and bring extensive proceedings against IS members with reference to the statements of the Ezidi victims of these IS henchmen.”

Zemfira, the chairwoman of the Central Council of Yazidis, said more attention should also be paid to the women who went to Syria to fight for ISIS.

She warned the use of the term “bride” often inherently downplays the involvements of the female fighters.

“The role of the woman was not just being a ‘bride’ – but they were killing people, having slaves and beating people,” Zemfira said.

“They did everything the men did.”

If the world forgets about the plight of the Yazidi people, she added, then ISIS win.

Investigators with the Commission for International Justice and Accountability are gathering evidence to prosecute ISIS fighters for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.

In 2020, the team said they had identified 49 ISIS figures who built and managed the slave trade – and nearly 170 slave owners who operated within it.

They have collected two million phone call records which they say will strengthen their case against the Yazidis’s perpetrators.

Timeline of Aine Davis’ offences

Suspected ISIS ‘Beatle’ Aine Davis has been known to the police and in and out of prison for more than two decades, according to the Counter Extremism Project.

2002 – Davis is convicted for the first of six times for possession of cannabis

2004 – Starts a two-year sentence at a young offenders’ institute

2006 – Jailed for possession of a firearm

2013 – Flees the UK, settles in Syria and joins ISIS

2014 – Davis’ wife, Amal El-Wahabi, is jailed for two years on terrorism financing charges

2015 – Davis is arrested in Turkey on suspicion of planning terror attacks in the country

2017 – Convicted in Turkey of belonging to terrorist organisation and sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison

2022 – Arrives in UK and immediately arrested on terrorism charges

2023 – Jailed for eight years at the Old Bailey for possession of a firearm and two charges of funding terrorism

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