I worked at Greggs for 50 years and I still can’t believe one of its most popular lines ever took off


A GREGGS baker is retiring after 50 years — and admits she doubted one of the company’s most popular lines.

Sue Johnson, 66,  has served millions of pastries, sandwiches and snacks since starting at Greggs when she left school.

Greggs baker Sue Johnson is retiring after 50 years — and admits she doubted one of the company’s most popular linesWNS

But she felt the vegan sausage roll, launched in 2019, would never last.

She said: “We test everything and thought that’s not going to take off — but it’s been one of the most popular ones.

“It’s great that we do so much vegan.

“In recent years it’s really taken off.”

Sue is looking forward to turning off her alarm after waking up at 4.30am to get baking in Oswestry, Shrops.

She finishes on November 10 and said: “I feel proud I’ve played a part in it all. Our store has a lovely atmosphere and we’re all fun because we’re like a big family.”

“When I first started, I was on the sandwich side but I was so quiet and shy in those days that I wouldn’t say a word.

“But as you get older you get friendlier with people and go out more.

“I came straight out of school for this job and that’s where I’ve been since but it’s been really interesting what’s gone on over the years.

“I never thought I’d still be here after 50 years but I am so proud of that because it’s an achievement and I’ve worked hard for a company that has looked after me for that time.”

She is now set to work her last shift on November 10.

She added: “I will miss the girls here – I’ve done my time and I’m very lucky.”

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