I’m a pest control expert – top tip Brits always forget that make their bed bug infestation WORSE


A PEST control expert has revealed the top tip Brits always forget that makes their bed bug infestation worse.

As much of Europe has seen an increase in the creepy crawlies in their homes, it’s now more important than ever to be extra cautious and vigilant.

The disgusting creatures can take comfort in your bed frames, mattresses, furniture and clothing

The disgusting creatures can take comfort in your bed frames, mattresses, furniture and clothing.

They can even hide behind pictures or under loose bits of wallpaper.

A pain to exterminate, they are thought to have now become resistant to insecticides – with pest control experts warning treatment doesn’t always work first time.

The best thing to do obviously is avoid them but sometimes this can’t be helped.

So next step, is to be aware.

One expert has revealed that thousands of Brits each year could be falling victim to the invasion because of travelling abroad.

It’s understood we can bring bed bugs back with us in our suitcases – and the first thing we should do when we land is check.

One expert said: “When you get home, don’t bring your baggage and suitcases inside straight away.

“First, put them in an area like a porch or garage.

“Take a close look at your luggage and everything you brought with you, like bags and clothes, then inspect for the bugs paying close attention to the seams and folds.

“Get your clothes in the washing machine ASAP. Bed bugs can’t handle extreme heats, so a good hot wash is a great starting point.

“This heat should also get rid of any eggs that may be lurking.”

He went on to say that you should even whack the hoover out and give your luggage a thorough clean.

He added: “If your bags or clothes have come in contact with any upholstered furniture, you’ll want to give them the once over too.

“Pay close attention to cracks, corners and seams as this is where bed bugs love to hide.

“Once you’re finished, empty the hoover into a sealed bag and throw it out immediately.”

Five signs you could have bed bugs

Blood on the sheetsDark spots on the wallsBug shells and eggsWorn or ages upholsteryBites

What do bedbugs look like?

According to the NHSbedbugs can be dark yellow, red or brown.

The critters are oval shaped and are around the size of an apple seed.

As an insect they have six legs and two antenna.

You can identify adult bedbugs by their size as they are around 5mm long and there will be spots from their waste like little ink splats.

The adult pesky pests do have the vestiges of wings called wing pads, but they do not fully develop into functional wings, therefore they cannot fly.

Bedbugs can look somewhat different depending on
their feeding status.

After they have fed, bedbugs bodies will swell and turn a reddish colour from their latest meal.

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