Inside China’s chilling ‘Brain Warfare’ unit developing mind controlled weapons, super drugs & ‘soft kill’ tech


CHINA has been developing mind-controlling weapons as part of their latest psychological warfare strategies, a report has revealed.

The People’s Liberation Army has been developing artificial intelligence and new technologies like brain-computer interfaces for military use, research group CCP Biothreats Initiative stated.

ReutersThe Chinese military have been developing mind-controlling weapons[/caption]

The group’s analysts believe that the Chinese military is hoping to develop a new form of arms that will win them wars without the use of their, already expansive, amount of firepower.

Some of their new weapons have the ability to impair alertness and cognitive functions in enemy troops by causing them to fall asleep.

One of these weapons uses electromagnetic energy to do so, using “soft-kill radio waves” to induce drowsiness.

The Chinese army is suspected to have developed anti-sleep glasses for their own troops to promote alertness – and to counteract similar psychological weapons used by enemies.

They have also developed contraptions that can directly connect the brain and external technology – giving China the ability to control cognitive processes and functions.

The analysts revealed that the Chinese army is now working on advanced mind-control weapons that will be controlled by a soldier’s brain, and seek to manipulate the minds of opposing forces.

“The PLA’s integration of cutting-edge technologies such as AI, [brain-computer interfaces], and biological weapons into its military arsenal brings significant psychological dimensions to warfare, extending beyond their physical effects,” the report said.

“[It] represents a strategic direction, integrating neuroscience and technology to develop weapons systems that can impair cognition, reduce situational awareness, and degrade neurological functions over the long term.

“The CCP‘s vision for NeuroStrike encompasses a holistic approach, part of a broader asymmetric warfare strategy aimed at establishing a strategic edge over adversaries, particularly the United States and perceived rivals in the Indo-Pacific region, such as Taiwan, Japan, Australia, or India.”

This comes just two years after Gina Raimondo, the US commerce secretary, said that there are concerns Beijing will eventually use pyschological weaponry to maintain control over its citizens.

She said: “Unfortunately, the People’s Republic of China is choosing to use these technologies to pursue control over its people and its repression of members of ethnic and religious minority groups.

“We cannot allow US commodities, technologies and software that support medical science and biotechnical innovation to be diverted toward uses contrary to US national security.”

Her statement points towards the increasing concern that China has been influenced by American research into the importance of psychological operations during wars.

It has been claimed that China has been developing US tactics to explore the potential of artificial intelligence in controlling public opinion.

Experts have previously told The Sun Online in no uncertain terms that the time is coming for China to lay down the gauntlet for the West.

They explained that Chinese President Xi Jinping is now “tired of western influence“, and that he dreams of becoming “most powerful global power”.

Beijing has plans to have the world’s most powerful military, wants to up its nuclear stockpile, and is extending a friendly hand to a web of potential new allies.

China’s ambition is obvious – and they are on a collision course with the US for the title of world’s top global powerhouse.

AFPExperts expect China to use psychological weapons to keep control over the own people[/caption]

APXi Jinping is ready to be the world’s most powerful global power, it is claimed[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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