Most Brits start thinking about own funeral at 51… with death of loved one & health scares likely to spark consideration


THE typical British adult starts thinking about their own funeral at the age of 51, a new study has found.

Research among 2,000 people found the most common triggers to consider our mortality are the loss of a loved-one, health scares and the general ageing process.

SWNSWhen it comes to organising a funeral, 34 per cent thought it’d be easy to do so[/caption]

Eight in 10 said they began pondering their own longevity once they started regularly attending other people’s funerals.

And 38 per cent believe once you look ahead, you tend to consider the meaning of life and death itself as well.

However, 24 per cent have no intention of thinking ahead as far down the line as their own send off.

A spokesman from British Seniors, which recently released their Funeral Cost Report and commissioned the study, said: “The research has revealed an interesting take on when you start to think about death.

“We thought it was interesting to see it wasn’t until the early 50s on average that many would start to consider their own funeral.

“It’s something that in our younger years you don’t give a second thought, but clearly, once you reach a certain age, it becomes a realistic prospect and one that does require some planning.”

It also emerged 54 per cent of respondents did not have a will, with 53 per cent of those simply saying they “haven’t got round to it” yet.

And 23 per cent didn’t think they were old enough to have one according to the OnePoll data.

When it comes to organising a funeral, 34 per cent thought it’d be easy to do so, though 30 per cent imagined it’d be hard work.

Were respondents to suffer a family bereavement now, 27 per cent didn’t think they could afford the associated costs and a further 23 per cent weren’t sure if they had enough in the bank.

The study also found 29 per cent didn’t have a clue how much a funeral typically costs – with one in six feeling anxious as to how they’d afford one for a relative in the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

For their own funeral, 33 per cent have sufficient cash set aside and 20 per cent have life insurance.

However, of the 34 per cent who have nothing in place to cover their send off, 29 per cent said they can’t afford to do so and 26 per cent thought they were too young to think about it.

Of those who do have cash set aside, they have an average of more than £3,900.

A spokesperson from British Seniors, added: “It’s something that’s often considered sad and sombre, with many preferring to not think about it at all.

“However, life insurance can provide peace of mind knowing when the day eventually does come, it won’t be landing on those closest to them to pay for something quite costly.

“By getting some cover sorted, you can focus on living life to the fullest with peace of mind.”

Funeral Cost Report statistics

80 per cent began pondering their own longevity once they started regularly attending funerals.
29 per cent don’t have a clue how much a funeral typically costs.
24 per cent have no intention of thinking of their own funeral.
54 per cent of don’t have a will, with 53 per cent of those saying they “haven’t got round to it” yet.
23 per cent didn’t think they were old enough to have a will.
27 per cent don’t think they could afford a funeral.
23 per cent weren’t sure if they had enough in the bank.
33 per cent have sufficient cash set aside for a funeral.
20 per cent have life insurance.
26 per cent thought they were too young to think about their own send-off.

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