My brother murdered our mum over a bacon sarnie…I’m haunted by guilt after she rang me during attack & I didn’t call 999


A HEARTBROKEN woman whose brother killed her mum over a bacon sandwich says “no amount of jail time will be enough”.

Speaking for the first time since Kelly Pitt, 44, was murdered by her son Lewis Bush in May 2023, Jordan Bush reveals her mother called her during the vile attack.

Jordan Bush lost her mum after she was murdered by her own son, Lewis BushSWNS

Kelly Pitt, pictured with Jordan, suffered a horrific assault in a row over a bacon sandwichswns

Her brother, 26, had flown into a rage at their home in Newport, Wales during a row over a bacon butty.

Jordan, 22, could hear him ”shouting and screaming” down the line, and says the guilt of not calling 999 will “haunt her forever”.

Bush went on to brutally murder his mum by punching, kicking and stamping her to death.

Her body was found two days later by Jordan’s partner Kieran Saunders, and Bush was arrested shortly after.

A post-mortem found Kelly had suffered internal bleeding and 41 rib fractures, with mirror glass and clumps of hair found around her body.

The court heard Bush had subjected his mother to years of domestic violence.

Despite initially pleading not guilty, he changed his plea 17 days before the trial was set to begin in October 2023.

On November 10, Lewis Bush appeared at Newport Crown Court where he was jailed for a minimum term of 16 years before he is eligible for parole.

swnsLewis Bush with mum Kelly and sisters Jordan and Lauren[/caption]

PABush was jailed for 16 years[/caption]

Jordan, a full-time mum-of-one, told The Sun: “On our last call my mum asked me to call the police, but I didn’t because I thought it was another one of their regular fights.

”The guilt of not calling 999 will haunt me forever. Little did I know that it was the last time I’d speak to her.

“Lewis and mum always had a complicated relationship but she never stopped loving him.

“I guess that was her downfall – she cared too much for someone who didn’t deserve it.”

Jordan told how she would talk to and text her mum every day, so when she didn’t hear from her for a few days she knew something was wrong.

Lewis and mum always had a complicated relationship but she never stopped loving him

Jordan Bush

When Kieran found my mum dead in the flat it was like my heart had been ripped out,” she said.

“16 years is not enough and I feel like I’ve been robbed of justice.

“No amount of time will ever be enough to make up for what a stunning person she was.

“Lewis is despicable and I’ll never forgive him for taking my best friend away.”

‘Strained’ relationship

WNSLewis Bush launched the deadly assault at their home in Newport[/caption]

WNSBush reportedly laughed when cops arrested him[/caption]

Jordan said her relationship with Lewis was close when they were growing up, but became “strained” as they both got older.

After losing their sister Lauren Bush, aged 24, in April 2021, Lewis’ behaviour towards his mum worsened.

“It’s always just been the three of us and mum,” Jordan recalled. “Even though he was my older brother, I’d put him in line when he’d lash out at mum.

“He’d listen to me but he’d, of course, carry on abusing her.

“I’d plead for mum to kick him out for good because of how horrible he was, but she never would because he was her son.

“I tried to keep an eye on him because I knew what he was like.”

On the day of the attack, Jordan described her conversations with her mum as “normal”.

At 9pm, she received a distressing call from Kelly during a heated argument between her and her son, during which she asked her daughter to ‘call the police’.

Jordan said her relationship with her brother had become strained over the yearsSWNS

Jordan said: “I could hear Lewis having a go at mum for not making him a bacon sandwich. He was really worked up.

“I could hear mum angrily shouting back ‘why should she when he never pays rent’, but I could tell she was terrified and in bits.

”I didn’t call 999 because I thought it was one of their usual arguments and would be sorted in the morning.

“But when I texted mum and she didn’t reply, it sent alarm bells ringing.”

Jordan continued to try to make contact with Kelly, even speaking to her brother the next morning, who told her their mum was “ill and in bed”.

I could hear Lewis having a go at mum for not making him a bacon sandwich. He was really worked up

Jordan Bush

By May 12 she still hadn’t heard from her mum, and Jordan’s partner Kieran, 30, a labourer, went to Kelly’s apartment.

Jordan stayed at home to look after their two-month-old daughter.

“I made sure Kieran was on the phone with me whilst at my mum’s,” she said. “As soon as he stepped foot in the flat his voice dropped.

“He found mum on her bed, covered in blood. He kept telling me that she was dead but I couldn’t take it in.”

Keiran called for help from a neighbour who called the police. Lewis Bush was arrested for murder later that evening.

WNSJordan said her mum was much-loved and well liked[/caption]

swnsJordan claimed her mum refused to throw her son out despite his behaviour[/caption]

He reportedly laughed as officers handcuffed him, telling cops: “Murder? Are you joking me? What? My mum is dead? Serious? You are joking me? My mum’s gone?”

As he was booked into a custody suite at the police station, he added: “You won’t harm me or nothing will you? It seems like you’re all going to fill me in.”

A post-mortem found “severe blunt-force trauma to the head, neck and trunk”.

The court heard that Kelly’s body had sustained horrendous injuries, with lacerations to her face which was purple and swollen when she was discovered.

Her bedding and mattress was also soaked with her blood.

The court heard how it was likely Bush had killed his mum with a mirror as there were fragments of glass on her head and in her hair.

During sentencing Judge Daniel Williams said: “Over the years, the court has heard, you subjected your poor mother to a great deal of violence.

This Christmas will be hard and all the milestones that proceed. Whilst tears dry, I’ll never stop mourning my mum

Jordan Bush

“You were on bail for having assaulted your mother when you murdered her.

“That Kelly’s life should end as it did is a wrong that no sentence will right.”

Devastated Jordan said: “I went to every single court hearing and not once did I see a glimpse of remorse on his miserable face.

”The harrowing footage of him smirking when getting arrested makes me sick to my stomach.

“He knew what he was doing when he killed her, no amount of alcohol can be blamed.

“I’ll regret not ringing the police that awful evening, but Lewis’ outbursts were the norm.

“My mum was a bubbly and beautiful woman, both inside and out.

“She could never just nip to the shop because everyone in the community knew her and she’d always want to stop and chat.

“She was loved by all that knew her and adored her granddaughter who she’ll never see grow up.

“This Christmas will be hard and all the milestones that proceed. Whilst tears dry, I’ll never stop mourning my mum.

“I have no family left now that my mum has been ripped away from me because Lewis is certainly no brother of mine.”

How you can get help

Women’s Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

Always keep your phone nearby.
Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
If you are in danger, call 999.
Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.

If you are a ­victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – [email protected].

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

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