My neighbour steals my ELECTRICITY using brazen extension cord trick… and it’s not just the extra cost that’s annoying


AN ANNOYING neighbour has been stealing electricity for his new restaurant using a brazen extension cord trick.

The clip went viral on TikTok earlier this year when Hamza, the unlucky business owner, showed the cheeky stealing happening in plain sight.  

Hamza showed off his annoying neighbour’s brazen trick to steal his electricity on TikTokTikTok/@hamzainvests

The cable went from Hamza’s shop to his neighbours restaurant supplying them with his powerTikTok/@hamzainvests

The three minute clip begins with the TikToker showing us a long blue extension cord going from outside his building to a restaurant next door where he claims they’re stealing his power.

According to the video, a lot of the businesses’ nearby are new to the street so don’t have their own generators yet.

This has led Hamza’s company, Hamza Invests, to have their power stolen as they were one of the first on the block.

Hamza said on his TikTok: “When those guys started stealing power from me I had to go up to them and be like guys look I don’t mind you taking power, it’s not about the money.

“I don’t care about the money it’s going to be $5 max but you guys are tripping my breakers.”

Hamza’s biggest issue with the stolen power is that his AC unit keeps tripping and causes it to be off for a long period of time.

He explained that he uses his electricity for a lot of reasons and can’t afford to have even more ports connected, draining away his electricity.

He said: “I have my own AC unit, my own load that I’m using for my own building.

“I have lights, I have spotlights, lights that light up my car just a bunch of things that go on but please just don’t steal my power which is what they’re doing they’re literally stealing my power because they didn’t get permission

Hamza made it clear he wasn’t worried about the money but more so his staff.

He said: “It’s about the principle, it’s about my load, it’s about my employees.

“Who’s going to take care of my employees and my people if I don’t?

“Just don’t steal my power as I have a duty towards my own team.

“If my computers turn off for 10 minutes that’s money and are you going to pay me?”

He laughed as he ended the video saying this is my only couple of minutes to rant for the month.

Lots of the comments came to the owners support and gave him some advice on what to do next.

The most frequent response was to put a lock on the socket or to turn the breaker off to the outlets that are getting stolen.

Others felt like more serious action was needed with some calling for him to sue and get the police involved.

Hamza said he’s since sent the annoying neighbours a bill for the electricity.

The video has since got over 28,000 likes and a massive 685,000 views on the creators account.

The father has over 150,000 TikTok followers and talks to them about his investment company and how he got rich as well as showing off his fancy collection of super cars.

This isn’t the first time a neighbour has had their things stolen after one person had their deliveries nicked before having them unashamedly sold back to them at a higher price.

Electricity and parcels are one thing but one unlucky lady had her entire fence ripped out and taken away when her neighbours moved out.

Merel Kastelein took to Reddit to tell people that before her neighbours left they spent an afternoon chilling on the furniture before stealing the fence and other things in the backyard.

The cable started outside Hamza’s shop in his plug socketTikTok/@hamzainvests

And went all the way to the restaurant next door in a pretty obvious trickTikTok/@hamzainvests Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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