My testicles were ripped off by a 7-stone XL Bully when beast clamped its jaws down… then it attacked my partner


A MAN’S testicles were ripped off when he was attacked by a monster seven-stone XL Bully.

Hellhound ‘Envie’ mauled the man in the horrific attack – leaving him needing eight stitches to his genitals and 32 in his arm.

Lynsey YoungHellhound Envie went berserk, attacking multiple people and put two adults in hospital[/caption]

The man’s testicles were ripped offSupplied

The horror unfolded on October 10 this year – leaving the man, who is too embarrassed to speak publicly, badly injured and needing to rush to hospital in Chesterfield, Derbs.

Speaking to the Sun Online, his partner Lynsey Kelly revealed how he screamed for help – yelling “it’s grabbed my b*****ks”.

She said her partner had gone to throw a stick to Envie when she latched onto his arm and chomped down onto his groin.

Lynsey said: “He was writhing on the floor and said ‘it’s grabbed my b*****ks’.”

The man was rushed by ambulance to hospital where he was put under local anaesthetic to save his genitals.

Graphic photos show parts of the man’s testicles that were torn off – which The Sun has chosen not to fully show.

But the horror didn’t end there.

Lynsey said Envie then attacked her – biting into her shin and manically shaking – inflicting injuries she is still recovering from.

She managed to lock the dog in a room and escape via a bedroom window before being rushed to hospital herself.

Lynsey, who has been in an out of hospital for weeks as she battles infections in her bite wounds, said that while Envie was “beautiful” she was “seriously disturbed”.

The mum added: “It had a huge burn mark, bigger than a cigar on the side of its neck.”

The dog was eventually euthanised.

Do YOU have an XL Bully story you want to share? Get in touch: [email protected]

The family had been caring for the dog that was owned by Mikey Howe and Sarah May

The couple, who once appeared on Jeremy Kyle in 2016, revealed they themselves had been attacked by Envie the dog.

Mikey said the pooch was a “massive” dog who at first had seemed like a good pet but had attacked him.

But he added: “She was a massive dog but a beauty, big and bold but had moments of madness. She was a mad b***h.”

Showing off bite wounds to his lower left arm, he said: “Once on the bus in front of everyone, going for my neck and a few times at home.

“On the bus, an alarm went off and the dog looked up and suddenly went for me. I had a hoodie on which helped protect my neck.

“Another time at home I jumped up to close a top window and the dog pounced on me pinning me against the window. I tried to shake her off but she bit me on the arm.”

Mikey added: “They’re cute and a status symbol and people pay the price.

“Those dogs are mad and need to be controlled.”

When will the American XL Bully dogs be banned?

XL bully dogs will be BANNED in Britain from December 31 this year, ministers confirmed.

New laws prohibiting the killer breed were formally laid in Parliament under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

Anyone who defies the ban faces up to 14 years behind bars.

They could also be disqualified from ownership or their dangerous dogs may be euthanised. 

Under the strict legislation breeding, selling, advertising, rehoming, abandoning and allowing an XL Bully dog to stray will be illegal.

From February 1 2024 it will also become illegal to own an XL Bully dog unless it is on the Index of Exempted Dogs.

There have been a string of XL Bully attacks this year – including one horrific attack that say dad-of-two Ian Price mauled to death.

Ian Price suffered catastrophic injuries when two hell hounds leapt out of a neighbour’s window before jumping through a hedge – with Ian attacked as he tried to protect his mum.

Terrifying footage of other dog attacks have recently been revealed – with one man desperately lobbing a firepit at a crazed mutt.

Dog attacks in England have shot up by 22 per cent in the past two years, police force data has revealed.

And in just days, the XL Bully breed is set to be banned.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak revealed the ban earlier this year – branding the breed a “danger to communities”.

From 31 December, XL bully dogs will no longer be allowed out in public unless they are muzzled and placed on a lead.

Envie savaged Lynsey multiple times over the five days she stayed with her, inflicting injuries she is still recovering from

Lynsey YoungTwo-year-old Envie had six former owners before Mikey and Sarah, who then lent her to Lynsey’s daughter[/caption]

Envie savage Lynsey’s leg in a horrifying attack inside their Chesterfield home

Mikey Howe and Sarah May – who owned Envie the dog – have spoken out

Mikey Howe showed The Sun bite marks Envie had inflicted on him at home in Chesterfield, DerbyshireTracey Kandohla

Lynsey YoungShe was a ‘good dog’ before launching several attacks on Mikey and Lynsey[/caption]

Lynsey YoungEnvie has since been put down[/caption]

Envie delivered nasty injuries on Lynsey including this bite on her thigh Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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