FACTORY workers were horrified when they opened up a container to find a pair of rotten human legs inside – still wearing socks and trainers.
The recycling plant employees were opening up a shipment of cardboard from the US when they made the grim discovery.
ViralPressShocked factory workers found two severed limbs in a shipping container[/caption]
Thai police are now liaising with US authorities as fears spread that the owner of the body parts may have been murdered before being hidden in the case and taken across the Pacific.
Lieutenant Colonel Dechanut Thayasirichuti of Sriracha police said: “It is possible the person was the victim of a murder.”
“It did not happen in our country though.”
The stomach-churning cargo was delivered on December 19 to a plant just outside Sriracha, a town around 100 miles south of the capital Bangkok.
When a worker was unpacking the layers of cardboard he was sickened when he saw a shin bone sticking out of a brown sports shoe with pink laces.
And, to make matters even more disturbing, the decomposing limb was still sporting a black sock and appeared to have been severed at the knee.
The baffled operator told local media: “I thought the bones were white poles.”
He continued: “But then I saw the knees and the trainers. I was shocked when I realised they were from a human.”
Police were scrambled to the area and, upon searching the container, they found a second limb that stretched up to the pelvis, compressed in a cardboard box and also wearing a matching black sock.
Thayasirichuti said: “We do not believe that the remains are from a local Thai person.”
He added: “‘The body had already decomposed, so we believe it had been in the container for a long time before it arrived in Thailand.
“We suspect that the person was a foreigner and the remains travelled here.
“The shipping company will co-ordinate with foreign police.”
The severed limbs have been sent to the Forensic Science Institute at the Police Hospital in Bangkok.
The shipping company and the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok have also been informed.
Authorities said they were investigating if the person believed to be a foreigner died in an accident or was murdered.
This is not the only time a horrifying discovery has been made in a shipping container.
Last year we told how cops released photos of a filthy container where a killer murdered a woman with a power saw.
ViralPressPolice were called to search the container after the first limb was discovered and they then found a second[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]