ADELIN Balicoi is the focus of the March 3, 2025 episode of Police Suspect No.1.
He was part of a violent brawl in Grimsby and was the target of a major police manhunt, after he struck a man with a crowbar.
A vast manhunt for Balicoi was launchedChannel 5
The rest of the gang were put behind barsChannel 5
The shocking crime
A call was made to Humberside police about a brawl taking place outside a pub.
Police quickly mobilised after a second call came in, which revealed that one person had been struck in the head with a crowbar.
Nine men were sighted fleeing the scene, but three suspects were arrested shortly after the incident.
Three victims of the attack were rushed to hospital, with one man having an injury to his hand from the same crowbar used on the other victim.
Chasing the criminals
Mirel Corf, Mihail Vasilache and Madalin Ilie were arrested after the incident.
The police interviewed each of them, but initially struggled to get any further with their investigation.
Eventually, Mirel Corf came clean about the incident which led to the arrests of two other suspects named Vasile Corf and Mihalaka Danut.
It became clear that the police needed to locate the man with the crowbar: Adelin Balicoi.
The search was urgent as it would become almost impossible for the police to catch him if he fled the country.
However, plain clothes officers eventually brought Balicoi to justice which allowed prosecutions to begin.
Plain clothes officers were behind the arrest of BalicoiChannel 5
Facing justice
Mirel Corf and Marian Vasilache were each given 2 years and a month behind bars for violent disorder and Vasile Corf was given 2 years, 4 months for the same crime
Mihalaka Danut was given 1 year and 10 months for violent disorder and another suspect named Mihail Vasilache was given 1 year and 8 months.
Madalin Ilie was sentenced to 2 years and eight months behind bars for possession of a weapon and violent disorder.
Adelin Balicoi received the longest sentence by far.
He was sentenced to 9 years and 2 months with a four year extension period for violent disorder, grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon.
Police Suspect No.1
True crime fans can watch the Grimsby episode of Police Suspect No 1 when it airs on Channel 5.
The episode will air on March 3, 2025, at 9pm.
Fans who miss the live broadcast can catch up with it on My5.
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