Regulating Artificial Intelligence only works with the whole world on board


Together on AI

THE benefits and opportunities presented by Artificial Intelligence are countless.

From medicine to sports, food and manufacturing to communications, AI has the potential to unlock a healthier, easier and much longer life for humans.

EPARishi Sunak has welcomed talks with China over limits on Artificial Intelligence[/caption]

Britain’s tech sector is already a world leader.

So while Rishi Sunak has put the UK at the forefront of the AI debate, he knows we mustn’t stifle its benefits with the dead hand of heavy state regulation.

But the potential dangers must be recognised, too.

We are perhaps just a couple of decades away from computers reaching “super-intelligence” status — where their brains are bigger and more powerful than ours and cannot be wholly controlled.
It’s not much time.

We cannot afford to unleash such power without global agreement on how it must be handled.

Which explains why, despite reservations about its continued threats to democracy, the PM has invited China on board.

What the West certainly mustn’t do with AI is make the same mistakes it has over net zero.

While we have rushed to bind ourselves to vastly expensive green targets, China goes on polluting the planet anyway.

What is the point of heavily regulating AI in the West while allowing the Chinese free-rein to create programmes dedicated to our destruction?

This is a global opportunity that will require international cooperation if we are to safely police the race.

Driving us Nats

YET another shining example of how so many of our institutions are lying broken or failing.

Having had their holidays ruined this summer by the appalling IT failure of the air traffic control system, it is weary passengers who will now have to foot the bill.

With depressing inevitability, NATs is putting up the cost of managing each flight safely by at least 36 per cent.

Airlines have immediately said the extra cost will be borne by customers.

Meanwhile, there’s no debate about how to reform an ailing system.
Just the costs bunged on to the price of your ticket.

Why do we put up with it?

Yesterday now

HERE’S one incredible benefit of AI — it has helped the Beatles to Get Back.

New technology used on their single Now and Then means we can hear John, Paul, George and Ringo singing and playing together one last time.

And the massive response from fans is proof that the Fab Four’s legacy will endure — and their music will never die.

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