SEVEN people employed to teach police officers a new IT system were found to be ex-cops who left or were sacked amid disciplinary issues.
They include PC Dylan Cusano — dismissed for using “abusive and discriminatory” language on a night out — and trainee detective Oliver Hill, who quit after arriving for work high on cocaine.
GettySeven people employed to teach police officers a new IT system were found to be ex-cops who left or were sacked[/caption]
The revelation is a huge embarrassment to the Met Police — branded “institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic” in a damning report last year.
The seven — paid up to £1,600 a week — had been recruited by third-party agencies for the £150million CONNECT system.
The Met yesterday said checks on candidates had “identified adverse information in relation to seven people” recruited.
It added their contracts were ended and they did not have free access to Met buildings or systems.
In a statement, the Met said: “In preparation for the roll-out of phase two of CONNECT the Met is delivering face-to-face training to over 20,000 officers and staff so they are suitably trained to use the system.
“The Met commissioned two third-party suppliers to source and provide people to be trained as additional CONNECT trainers and facilitators.
“Checks carried out on this cohort identified adverse information in relation to seven people.
“As soon as the Met were made aware of this issue, we immediately informed third-party suppliers and all seven contracts were terminated.
“None of the seven people whose contracts were terminated, or the wider cohort, had or will have unescorted access to Met police buildings or any live police IT systems.”
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