THIS is the moment an irate passenger put a fellow traveller in a headlock and repeatedly slapped him in the head in a row over mess.
A scrap broke out on the plane when a lad was dropping his crisps and other snacks on the floor that sent a hulking bloke sitting opposite into a rage.
suppliedThe passenger got a man into a headlock on an easyJet flight[/caption]
suppliedHe then shoved him back into his seat[/caption]
PAThe easyJet flight was heading from Stansted to Amsterdam[/caption]
Tensions had already risen on the EasyJet flight from Stansted to Amsterdam in December last year, which was delayed by two hours due to bad weather.
The two brawlers were sat across from each other at the front of the plane, an eyewitness told The Sun.
When the younger lad – accompanied by two friends – started to make a bit of mess, he was told off by another passenger.
An eyewitness said: “Then it all got a bit gobby, and the younger lads threw some insults.
“Then the bigger guy just had enough. The fight happened over mess and personal space… then turned into a full on headlock.”
A video shared with The Sun showed the broad, at least 6ft tall man using all his might to keep his younger rival in a headlock.
The lad’s pals were no match for the larger passenger as he easily batted them away when they tried to separate the pair.
Begging him to let their friend go, they tried to wrench his hands away, but quickly backed off.
Much to his relief the lad was finally let go, but then he was aggressively shoved backwards into the seats behind and sent colliding into his friend.
Flight attendants tried their best to defuse the situation, while over the tannoy the pilot requested everyone to calm down.
The larger man was eventually moved to another part of the plane, but delayed the flight by a further 30 minutes, infuriating other passengers.
The witness, aged 22 and from Essex, said: “To be honest, I don’t think it was the large guy’s fault, I think the kids were making a mess then he made a comment and then I think there was some insults thrown at him in which he gave a bigger reaction.”
He added: “It started off as an argument, he said ‘watch your effing space’, and the younger guys said ‘don’t tell me what to do’.
“I remember thinking this is going somewhere. Then they stood up in the aisle and squared up to each other.
“The big guy grabbed him in a headlock and was slapping him in the face.”
He went on to say, due to the delay, passengers were getting “antsy” anyway and were complaining there were hungry.
He said the food that was being thrown around was just snacks the group of young men had brought on themselves.
“We were sat on the plane longer than the flight was,” he added.
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