Shocking moment knifeman stabs cops in brutal rampage leaving officer with blood pouring down arm – as attacker jailed


THIS is the shocking moment a knife-wielding maniac stabs two police officers during a savage attack in Central London.

One was left with blood pouring down her arm after Mohammed Rahman, now 25, went on a rampage in Leicester Square last year.

Metropolitan PoliceKnife-wielding maniac Mohammed Rahman stabbed two police officers in September 2022[/caption]

As cops approach Rahman he begins to walk away before pulling out a blade and legging itMetropolitan Police

A male officer was also stabbed five times in the head, arm and chest and left with serious injuries including a punctured lung.

A third was dealt a cut to his finger.

Rahman was today jailed for life with a minimum 20 years for the attempted murder of the male officer and GBH with intent of the female.

Bodycam footage from the September 16, 2022, attack shows how a member of the public alerted cops to a man with a knife after being robbed of his phone and power bank.

As they approach Rahman he begins to walk away before pulling out a blade and legging it.

In the ensuing pursuit cops scream for “immediate assistance” before an officer hones a Tazer on the knifeman.

But all hell breaks lose when he begins swinging the weapon towards officers, slashing a female officers arm before burying the blade multiple times into a male cop.

The female officer is led away by a colleague with blood seeping through her white shirt following the stabbing.

The blade had cut the muscle down to the bone.

Police said both were hospitalised and needed surgery, with them only returning to their roles earlier this year.

Other footage shows Raham pinned on the ground by cops after being nailed several times by a 50,000 volt Taser to bring him down.

He was later taken to hospital for injuries and kept under armed guard.

Ch Supt Louise Puddefoot, in charge of policing in Westminster, said: “Our colleagues almost certainly would have suffered more serious injuries that could have ended their careers, or worse, taken their lives, had it not been for the incredible support provided by their colleagues.”

PARahman was today jailed for life with a minimum 20 years for the attempted murder of the male officer and GBH with intent of the female[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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