Teen girl sexually assaulted by Nuneaton canal towpath as cops release CCTV in hunt for her attacker


A TEEN girl has been sexually assaulted by a canal towpath – with cops releasing CCTV in the hunt for her attacker.

The girl was “very shaken” after she was assaulted shortly before 4pm on November 8 near Regency Close in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

Warwickshire PoliceCops want to speak to this man[/caption]

Warwickshire PoliceHe was in the area at the time of the alleged attack[/caption]

Her attacker is described as being around 5ft6in and in his mid-twenties.

He is said to have been wearing black sunglasses, a black Covid mask, a big brown jacket with a hood and black jeans.

Cops have now issued two snaps of a man said to have been in the area at the time.

The man was pictured with dark hair and wearing a light-coloured hoodie, a dark jacket and with a dark backpack.

He also had black trousers and white trainers.

Warwickshire Police said: “Detectives have released this image of a male who was in the area at the time of the incident and may have about the incident.

“They are urging the male or anyone who recognises him to get in touch.”

Det Insp Paul Sartoris said: “This is an extremely concerning incident and we’re keen to identify the offender as quickly as possible.

“The victim is understandably very shaken by the incident, and we are making sure she gets the support she needs.

“If you have any information, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Warwickshire Police on 101 quoting incident 212 of November 17, 2023.

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