PUT your vision to the test with this tricky brainteaser, that will have you scratching your head trying to solve it.
If you can spot the lone tomato amongst the dozens of cherries, then you have the eyes of a hawk.
knewzCan you spot the hidden tomato in this image?[/caption]
Whether you’re trying to improve your sight, or test your IQ, this puzzle will prove a challenge to many readers.
Put your observation skills to the test and figure out whether you have what it takes to spot the tomato in just a few seconds.
Make sure to set your stopwatch before undertaking this challenge, to make it extra hard for yourself.
If you can do it in under seven seconds, you are said to have 20/20 vision.
At first glance, this image, provided by JagranJosh appears to be a uniform set of cherries.
However, eagle-eyed reader will be able to immediately spot that this is not the case.
This brainteaser works by tricking your eyes into thinking that all of the fruits are the same.
But rest assured, there is definitely a tomato hidden in the mix.
Unless you’re lucky enough to find the fruit immediately, we recommend analysing the pattern very closely to spot the answer.
The visual deception of this image will have you peeling your eyes, but the payoff is worth it.
If you need a hint, we recommend focusing on the bottom half of the image.
The tomato can be found on the left side of the picture.
Another tricky brainteaser features a gnarled tree but only those with high IQ can spot a sleepy cat hiding on it.
If that’s still not hard enough for you, then have a go at spotting the hidden broom amongst the clothes in less than five seconds.
How can optical illusions and brainteasers help me?
Engaging in activities like solving optical illusions and brainteasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate various brain regions.
Some benefits include:
Cognitive stimulation: Engaging in these activities challenges the brain, promoting mental agility and flexibility.
Problem-solving skills: Regular practice enhances analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Memory improvement: These challenges often require memory recall and can contribute to better memory function.
Creativity: They encourage thinking outside the box, fostering creativity and innovative thought processes.
Focus and attention: Working on optical illusions and brainteasers requires concentration, contributing to improved focus.
Stress relief: The enjoyable nature of these puzzles can act as a form of relaxation and stress relief.
Or you can have a go at figuring out the hidden message in this band’s cover art that has confused fans for years.
Lastly, puzzle fanatics have been left scratching their heads trying to find the lost feather in just 12 seconds.
Coming back to our challenge -were you able to solve it in under seven seconds?
For those struggling to find the answer, we have marked out the solution for you.
knewzTricky Brain Teaser Hides Tomato in Plain Sight: Can You Find it in 11 Seconds?[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]