Who are Logan Mwangi parents Angharad Williamson and John Cole?


AN ITV documentary will examine the murder of five-year-old Logan Mwangi, whose body was found dumped in a river just yards from his home in South Wales.

Viewers can tune in to ITV on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 10:45pm to see what led to Angharad Williamson being jailed, along with her partner John Cole, and his son Craig Mulligan, for murdering her 5-year-old son, Logan.

Where is Angharad Williamson now?

In July 2021, Logan Mwangi‘s body was found with “severe injuries” having been dumped in a river.

Williamson told the court she was “overprotective” of Logan.

She said: “I took pictures of him sneezing, of him coughing, I was so overjoyed by Logan.

Williamson and Cole, as well as a 14-year-old boy were all found guilty of Logan’s murder in April, 2022

“I loved the bones of that boy.”

She said of her relationship with her son: “It was beautiful.

“I’m quite a needy, emotional person and Logan was very cuddly, so is my mum.

“We were very close. Logan was my little sidekick. We did everything together, he was such a beautiful and happy little boy.”

But during the trial, jurors heard Logan suffered horrendous physical and emotional abuse leading up to his death.

Opportunities were missed to save the youngster, who was added to the child protection register just a month before he was killed.

Williamson received a life sentence with a minimum of 28 years after being found guilty of murdering her son, Logan Mwangi, on 21st April 2022.

Williamson applied to the High Court for leave to appeal her conviction after maintaining her innocence.

But three High Court judges said the initial ruling by Mrs Justice Jefford was “impeccable” and threw out Williamson’s bid.

Where is John Cole now?

John Cole, who was a member of far-right group the National Front, called Logan “Coco Pop” and “dehumanised” him because of his mixed race heritage.

But the 40-year-old claimed the racist term was meant in an “affectionate” way.

PAEvidence suggested that John Cole had a history of racism[/caption]

Prosecutor Caroline Rees QC said: “He was a child of mixed race and it is relevant to a dehumanising attitude towards Logan.”

In the background, the court heard Cole was described as “very racist” by former friends and partners while growing up.

One friend said he was racist towards “any people who are different”.

Ms Rees said his “beliefs” could have been “relevant to his motives” in the attacks on Logan.

She added: “He would meet with racist groups and was a member of the National Front.

“His view of Logan was infected by racism.”

The court heard how he would bully Logan, but that his mum did nothing to stop him.

John Cole was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 29 years.

His stepson Craig Mulligan was also found guilty of murder, and was sentenced to life detention with a minimum of 15 years.

What happened to Logan Mwangi?

PAHere Logan wearing the same pyjama top that was later found ripped after his death[/caption]

Logan was murdered at home on July 31, 2021, before an “elaborate charade” was hatched to cover up the crime.

CCTV footage showed Cole and Mulligan taking the child’s body in a Nike holdall to a nearby river in the early hours of July 31, 2021.

His mum then called 999 at 5.45am and began “hyperventilating” down the phone as she falsely reported her son missing.

Williamson was heard “wailing and shouting” during the call and claimed he’d been kidnapped.

Prosecutor Caroline Rees QC said she played the “part of a distraught mother to the best of her acting abilities”.

One of the biggest questions in my whole entire life that I will always be asking myself is why? Why did this happen? Why did Logan have to die?

Ben MwangiBBC

The ex-private schoolgirl carried on the “hideous show” when officers arrived at her home.

As the trial progressed, it emerged she had tried covering her own guilt by laying blame on the other two defendants.

Logan was found in the river with injuries likened to those caused by falling from a great height or a “high velocity” car crash after being dumped like “fly-tipped rubbish”.

The youngster had suffered trauma to his internal organs and brain, and also had 56 external injuries to his head, face, torso, arms and legs from “blunt force trauma”.

The horrific list of injuries included a fractured shoulder, extensive bleeding to the scalp and back of his head and a significant trauma to the brain.

Who is Logan Mwangi’s biological father?

WNSBen Mwangi was devastated that he wasn’t informed by the authorities when his son Logan was place on the child protection register[/caption]

Logan’s biological father, Ben, last saw his son 19 months before his death, as he was stopped from seeing him by Williamson.

In an ITV documentary, The Murder of Logan Mwangi, Ben spoke openly about what it was like to lose his son, as well as his discussions with the police about what happened.

In the programme, Ben, who appears visibly shocked, said he was coping as best he could and revealed:

“I was the first person to hold him when he was born. I used to hold him so tight. He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

“[Williamson] made my life an absolute misery. All I wanted to do was just be a dad.”

Speaking on camera, he added: “One of the biggest questions in my whole entire life that I will always be asking myself is why? Why did this happen? Why did Logan have to die?”

My lasting memory of him was just a happy little boy that called me ‘Daddy’.

Ben MwangiBBC

Unbeknown to Ben, Logan had been placed on the child protection register in March 2021, but was removed a month before he was murdered.

The day before Logan’s body was found, a social worker visited the home, but didn’t see him because they were told he had Covid.

Ben is now campaigning for a change to the law so that social services have to inform estranged parents like him if there are concerns.

Ben said: “I probably would have tried to take him away.

“Why didn’t they do anything to make it a safe environment for him when it clearly wasn’t?

“If I can stop this from happening to anybody else, then that will be the biggest, positive, most positive thing.

“My lasting memory of him was just a happy little boy that called me ‘Daddy’.”

How to watch the ITV Documentary?

Viewers can watch The Murder of Logan Mwangi on Tuesday March 4, 2025 by tuning in to ITV at 10:45pm. 

Alternatively, you can catch up on the documentary another time by signing into ITVX.

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