Who is Sharon Hill and is she the UK’s heaviest woman?


SHARON Hill shot to fame when she was the subject of a documentary about the battle she faced with her size.

However, she has now turned her life around and has lost an incredible amount of weight.

The left – Sharon Hill at her heaviest. The right – after losing a massive amount of weightFacebook

Who is Sharon Hill?

Sharon Hill from Gloucestershire hit the spotlight when she appeared in Channel 4 documentary Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest Woman.

At her heaviest she weighed 48 stone and admitted she consumed tens of thousands of calories a day.

She appeared in the 2015 Channel Four documentary alongside her husband Andrew, who was also over weight.

The pair married weighing 62 stone between them in 2012.

Sharon said in the documentary: “I’ve never wanted to be thin because I don’t know what that’s like, I just want to be smaller than what I am so I can live more.”

She explained that as a schoolgirl she was mercilessly bullied and spent lunch times in the toilet.

When she was asked what sort of things the bullies said, Sharon said: “[The bullies would say] That I should be dead that I should die.

“You’re a waste of space. You’re fat, you’re ugly. I might catch fat from you.”

Sharon coped with the pain of being taunted by locking herself away in her room and binge eating junk food after school.

But the taunting wasn’t confined to her childhood, with vile comments even in her adult years.

Sharon continued bury her feelings in her food and ballooned to 48 stone.

Is Sharon Hill the UK’s heaviest woman?

In 2019, Sharon revealed she had lost over a third of her weight and was 30 stone – she also went down to a size 26/28.

Her weight loss journey came after she sat down with her doctor who advised her that was “make or break time”.

She then signed up for two surgical procedures as well as receiving psychological support.

The first gastric sleeve helped her lose 10 stone, but Sharon admitted that she put some of this weight back on.

However, she then had a mini-gastric bypass which helped her weight drop by eight more stone.

The operation reduced Sharon’s stomach to a quarter of the size and cut a third out of her small intestine, meaning that she would eat less and adsorb fewer calories from the food she eats.

Following both procedures, Sharon dropped a whopping 18 stone from her heaviest and was able to get out and about on her own.

At the time she admitted that she still had “weight to lose”, and confessed that she was “stuck around the 30st mark”.

As of 2023, Sharon hasn’t given fans un update on her incredible weight loss journey.

But her Instagram account (which was last updated in 2022) shows her looking happy and healthy.

Following her weight loss, Sharon is not the UK’s heaviest woman – the identity of who is remains unknown

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