Who was Shani Louk and what happened to her?


HARROWING footage of Hamas terrorists parading the body of a woman on the back of a pickup truck has sparked outrage around the world.

The woman has been identified as Shani Louk, a German tattoo artist. Here’s what is known so far.

shanukkk/InstagramShani Louk, 30, was at a music festival in Israel when she was seized by Hamas terrorists.[/caption]

Who was Shani Louk? 

Shani Louk was a German woman, aged 30. 

The Washington Post has reported that Shani, who had a Polish father, held dual German-Israeli citizenship. 

She was a tattoo artist, and her professional Instagram page suggests she had been tattooing in Tel Aviv, and various locations around Israel. 

Shani’s Instagram account suggests she has been living in Israel for several years. 

Shani was attending the Nova music festival in Israel.

The dance music festival was taking place in rural farmland near the Gaza-Israel, just six kilometres east of Gaza.

What happened to Shani Louk?

At dawn on October 7 morning, Hamas militants opened fire on the festival goers, as part of a coordinated attack on Israel. 

It was then that Shani Louk was taken by Hamas before being murdered and paraded on the back of a pick-up truck, with Hamas claiming she was an Israeli soldier.

The horrific and upsetting footage showed militants jeering and spitting on Shani’s dead body.

Shani’s cousin Tomasina Weintraub-Louk told the Mail Online that the family knew it was “definitely Shani” due to her distinctive leg tattoos and dreadlocks.

She said: “We have heard nothing. We are hoping for positive news. She was at a music festival for peace. This is a nightmare for our family.”

Shani’s mother, Ricarda, has begged for help in finding out has happened to her daughter after the video circulated on social media.

In an emotional video: “This morning my daughter, Shani Nicole Louk, a German citizen, was kidnapped with a group of tourists in southern Israel by Palestinian Hamas.

“We were sent a video in which I could clearly see our daughter unconscious in the car with the Palestinians and them driving around the Gaza Strip. I ask you to send us any help or any news. Thank you very much.”

Another woman also wrote on X under the name Adi Louk: “This is my sister Shani Louk. She it (sic) taken by Hamas. She is a German citizen.” 

On Shani’s Instagram account people from all over the world have left tribute comments.

One comment reads: “Rest in peace angel, you didn’t deserve this.”

“Ukraine stands with Israel ” reads another comment. 

It has been reported that a second woman, Noa Argamani, was driven away by Hamas militants on a motorbike from the same music festival.

Noa was filmed pleading for her life with kidnappers after being snatched from the festival in the south of the country.

The 25-year-old university student screamed “Don’t kill me! No, no, no”, as the gunmen sped away with her trapped in between them.

Later photos appeared to show Noa alive in Hamas custody within the city limits of Gaza.

British national Jake Marlowe, 26, who is also missing after working as security for the music festival, sent a haunting last message to his mum.

Jake’s mother revealed that he had called to say “rockets were flying over”, and later texted to say he would keep in touch.

Early on October 7, he said: “Signal very bad, everything is okay, I will keep you updated I promise you. Love you.”

Jake’s terrified mum Lisa told Jewish News: “I’ve left him lots of WhatsApp messages but I’ve not been able to leave him a message… I can’t bear to listen to the phone just ringing and not being answered.”

At least 600 Israelis and over 300 Palestinians have been killed and many more injured in what has become the deadliest day in the conflict for the past 50 years.

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