Why are there so many ladybirds in the UK and do I get them out of my house?


LADYBIRDS are common creatures in the UK, but can be a nuisance when they enter a home.

Here’s how you can get rid of them when they visit your residence.

Ladybirds could be currently coming into your home as they look for somewhere warm to hibernate

Why are there so many ladybirds?

CEO of Simply The Pest London Joseph Robinson explained: “This behaviour, known as overwintering, is quite common.

“The ladybirds are looking for a safe place to hibernate until the weather becomes more favourable for them to return outdoors in the spring.

“If you’re seeing many ladybirds in your home, it’s likely because they’ve found their way inside seeking refuge from the cold.”

The insects are attracted to warm and sunny areas, and during the summer, they seek shelter from the heat in cooler areas, such as homes.

“If it’s a warm autumn day, you may see tons of ladybirds on the sunniest side of your house.

“As the nights cool, the bugs gravitate to warm places during the day,” he added.

Harlequins found in the UK are typically black with two or four orange or red spots – or orange with 15 to 21 black spots.

Scientists have dubbed the bug as “Britain’s most invasive species” – as it preys on seven native ladybirds including the common two-spot.

How to get rid of ladybirds

The RSPB recommends: “To gently encourage them into a jar or box and place them outside either under a hedge or in a suitable sheltered place, during the warmer part of the day.”

Scents that can ward off ladybirds

Citrus, such as citronellaClovesBay leaves

It is also recommended that all nookies and crannies around the home are sealed off as best as possible, particularly around windows and doors.

While it is best to avoid killing the insects if an infestation is particularly bad it is best to vacuum them up and then carefully empty the bag outside.

Are ladybirds poisonous?

Ladybirds are completely harmless, according to Wilson and he recommends they are left alone if they are found in your home.

They have been known to bite humans although this is said to be extremely rare and their bites rarely cause any sort of reaction.

Ladybirds do give out a foul-smelling odour which is done to deter predators which can have a toxic effect but they are not poisonous to humans.

He said: “We have very little to fear from ladybirds. They are completely harmless – they’ll likely overwinter in a dormant state in or around your home during winter – then fly away in spring to find food and mate.”

“I would encourage the general public to enjoy the spectacle and be thankful for the range of benefits Ladybirds bring to the garden.”

Dean added: “While unnerving for those who might dislike insects, this ‘invasion’ is likely to be short-lived and last for a week at the very most.”

Do ladybirds hibernate?

Ladybirds do hibernate in the colder months.

Many huddle together in groups, according to the RSPB.

The common two-spot ladybird can often be found in lofts or in corners of cool room in homes as well as in corners of window frames and doors.

The other common ladybird found in Britain, the seven-spot, prefers finding a spot under the bark or in cracks of tree trunks.

They emerge from hibernation around April and temperatures rise.

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