World’s loneliest sheep stranded on tiny rock island for 2 YEARS is so overgrown it can barely stand… as drones swoop in


THE world’s loneliest sheep, left stranded on a tiny rock island for two years, is now so overgrown it can barely stand.

Jillian Turner first spotted the animal during a kayak trip from Balintore to Nigg in northern Scotland in 2021.

NorthpixThe sheep has been stranded for two years[/caption]

NorthpixHer fleece has grown so long it now drags along the ground, making it difficult for her to move[/caption]

NorthpixJillian was horrified when she spotted the same ewe two years later[/caption]

She had no concerns at the time and presumed the sheep would be able to make its way off the rocky face.

But she’s now raised concerns after taking the same trip this month and seeing the same sheep still stuck on the rock.

Jillian noticed how the ewe, which is marooned at the foot of a cliff, now has a fleece so long that it drags along the ground, The Times reports.

She said: “Her fleece on the first occasion was a normal year’s growth, however on the recent trip the fleece was huge and touching the ground at the back.

“The poor ewe has been on her own for at least two years – for a flock animal that has to be torture, and she seemed desperate to make contact with us on the two occasions we’ve gone past her.

“It is heart-rending. We honestly thought she might make her way back up that first year.”

The sheep does not belong to any local farmers and is thought to have been part of a flock that was temporarily grazing in the area.

The landowner is understood to have made several attempts to rescue the sheep, but has had to abort each time due to the dangerous nature of the rock face.

Drones have now been sent to check on the ewe, with a rescue operation being planned after Jillian alerted local authorities.

NorthpixA rescue operation is understood to be in the pipeline[/caption] Published: [#item_custom_pubDate]


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